07 Sep from 4:20am to 5:13am
Bbudar changed 254 translations in Romanian on TheocBase. Hide changes
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->FM1_EXTRATIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->FM1_EXTRATIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {notițe pentru cuvântarea cursanților n}
    {notițe pentru cuvântarea cursanților n}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {timp suplimentar pentru primul articol FM; sfat}
    {timp suplimentar pentru primul articol FM; sfat}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->FM2_EXTRATIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->FM2_EXTRATIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {timp suplimentar pentru al doilea articol FM; sfat}
    {timp suplimentar pentru al doilea articol FM; sfat}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->FM3_EXTRATIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->FM3_EXTRATIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {timp suplimentar pentru al treilea articol FM; sfat}
    {timp suplimentar pentru al treilea articol FM; sfat}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_CONDUCTOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_CONDUCTOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_READER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_READER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {conductor}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {reader}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->MWB_COLOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->MWB_COLOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {nume de culoare lunar}
    {nume de culoare lunar}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {culoare RGB lunară}
    {culoare RGB lunară}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->MWB_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->MWB_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {numărul de luni}
    {numărul de luni}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->OC_CONTENT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->OC_CONTENT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. {notițe pentru cuvântarea cursanților n}
    {notițe pentru cuvântarea cursanților n}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {notițe pentru cuvântarea cursanților n}
    {notițe pentru cuvântarea cursanților n}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->FM1_EXTRATIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->FM1_EXTRATIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->FM1_EXTRATIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->FM1_EXTRATIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. {timp suplimentar pentru primul articol FM; sfat}
    {timp suplimentar pentru primul articol FM; sfat}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {timp suplimentar pentru primul articol FM; sfat}
    {timp suplimentar pentru primul articol FM; sfat}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->FM2_EXTRATIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->FM2_EXTRATIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->FM2_EXTRATIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->FM2_EXTRATIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. {timp suplimentar pentru al doilea articol FM; sfat}
    {timp suplimentar pentru al doilea articol FM; sfat}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {timp suplimentar pentru al doilea articol FM; sfat}
    {timp suplimentar pentru al doilea articol FM; sfat}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->FM3_EXTRATIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->FM3_EXTRATIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->FM3_EXTRATIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->FM3_EXTRATIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. {timp suplimentar pentru al treilea articol FM; sfat}
    {timp suplimentar pentru al treilea articol FM; sfat}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {timp suplimentar pentru al treilea articol FM; sfat}
    {timp suplimentar pentru al treilea articol FM; sfat}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_CONDUCTOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_CONDUCTOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_CONDUCTOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_CONDUCTOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. {conductor}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {conductor}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. {reader}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {reader}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_READER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_READER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_READER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_READER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->MWB_COLOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->MWB_COLOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->MWB_COLOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->MWB_COLOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. {nume de culoare lunar}
    {nume de culoare lunar}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {nume de culoare lunar}
    {nume de culoare lunar}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. {culoare RGB lunară}
    {culoare RGB lunară}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {culoare RGB lunară}
    {culoare RGB lunară}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. {numărul de luni}
    {numărul de luni}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {numărul de luni}
    {numărul de luni}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->MWB_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->MWB_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->MWB_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->MWB_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->OC_CONTENT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->OC_CONTENT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->OC_CONTENT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->OC_CONTENT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->MWB_RGB<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->MWB_RGB<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->RPA_CONTENT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->RPA_CONTENT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->LM_SOURCE_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->LM_SOURCE_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {Recapitulare, apoi o prezentare scurtă a următoarei întruniri}
    {Recapitulare, apoi o prezentare scurtă a următoarei întruniri}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {citirea bibliei săptămâna viitoare}
    {citirea bibliei săptămâna viitoare}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->GW[1..3]_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->GW[1..3]_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {tema săptămânii viitoare}
    {tema săptămânii viitoare}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {săptămâna viitoare persoana alocată într-o clasă dată}
    {săptămâna viitoare persoana alocată într-o clasă dată}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {tema săptămânii viitoare a cuvântări a cursanților n}
    {tema săptămânii viitoare a cuvântări a cursanților n}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {next week assigned publisher for student talk n in given class}
    {next week assigned publisher for student talk n in given class}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. {next week assigned publisher for student talk n in given class}
    {next week assigned publisher for student talk n in given class}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {vestitorul desemnat săptămâna viitoare pentru cuvântare n în clasa dată}
    {vestitorul desemnat săptămâna viitoare pentru cuvântare n în clasa dată}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->RPA_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->RPA_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {Titlu personalizabil pentru note RPA}
    {Titlu personalizabil pentru note RPA}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->OC_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->OC_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {Titlu personalizabil pentru note OC}
    {Titlu personalizabil pentru note OC}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->TODAY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->TODAY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Azi
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->NEXT_WEEK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->NEXT_WEEK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->MH_SHORT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->MH_SHORT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Următoarea Săptămână
    Următoarea Săptămână
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. SP (Abreviere pentru Sala Principală)
    SP (Abreviere pentru Sala Principală)
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->AUX_SHORT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->AUX_SHORT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. A (Abreviere pentru Clasă Auxiliară)
    A (Abreviere pentru Clasă Auxiliară)
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CLASS_[A..C]_SCHEDULED<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CLASS_[A..C]_SCHEDULED<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Cuvântarea de Serviciu
    Cuvântarea de Serviciu
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_TH_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_TH_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_TH_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_TH_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Etichete de tipărire „Programare”
    Etichete de tipărireProgramare
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <a href="#overall"> Tipărire generală a etichetelor </a> cu domeniul de aplicare MW1
    <a href="#overall"> Tipărire generală a etichetelor </a> cu domeniul de aplicare MW1
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. 1
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <var class="pt_variable_description">{numele congregației}</var>&nbsp;<q>Congregație</q>
    <var class="pt_variable_description">{numele congregației}</var>&nbsp;<q>Congregație</q>
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Congregație
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->TREASURES_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->TREASURES_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->APPLY_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->APPLY_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->LIVING_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->LIVING_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Turnul de Veghe
    Turnul de Veghe
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {numele congregației}
    {numele congregației}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {Cuvinte introductive}
    {Cuvinte introductive}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->MWB_RGB<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->MWB_RGB<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->MWB_RGB<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->MWB_RGB<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. {Cuvinte introductive}
    {Cuvinte introductive}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {Cuvinte introductive}
    {Cuvinte introductive}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->RPA_CONTENT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->RPA_CONTENT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->RPA_CONTENT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->RPA_CONTENT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. {Recapitulare, apoi o prezentare scurtă a următoarei întruniri}
    {Recapitulare, apoi o prezentare scurtă a următoarei întruniri}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {Recapitulare, apoi o prezentare scurtă a următoarei întruniri}
    {Recapitulare, apoi o prezentare scurtă a următoarei întruniri}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->LM_SOURCE_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->LM_SOURCE_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->LM_SOURCE_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->LM_SOURCE_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. {citirea bibliei săptămâna viitoare}
    {citirea bibliei săptămâna viitoare}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {citirea bibliei săptămâna viitoare}
    {citirea bibliei săptămâna viitoare}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->GW[1..3]_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->GW[1..3]_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->GW[1..3]_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->GW[1..3]_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. {tema săptămânii viitoare}
    {tema săptămânii viitoare}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {tema săptămânii viitoare}
    {tema săptămânii viitoare}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. {săptămâna viitoare persoana alocată într-o clasă dată}
    {săptămâna viitoare persoana alocată într-o clasă dată}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {săptămâna viitoare persoana alocată într-o clasă dată}
    {săptămâna viitoare persoana alocată într-o clasă dată}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. {tema săptămânii viitoare a cuvântări a cursanților n}
    {tema săptămânii viitoare a cuvântări a cursanților n}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {tema săptămânii viitoare a cuvântări a cursanților n}
    {tema săptămânii viitoare a cuvântări a cursanților n}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. {vestitorul desemnat săptămâna viitoare pentru cuvântare n în clasa dată}
    {vestitorul desemnat săptămâna viitoare pentru cuvântare n în clasa dată}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {vestitorul desemnat săptămâna viitoare pentru cuvântare n în clasa dată}
    {vestitorul desemnat săptămâna viitoare pentru cuvântare n în clasa dată}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->RPA_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->RPA_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->RPA_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->RPA_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. {Titlu personalizabil pentru note RPA}
    {Titlu personalizabil pentru note RPA}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {Titlu personalizabil pentru note RPA}
    {Titlu personalizabil pentru note RPA}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->OC_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->OC_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->OC_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->OC_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. {Titlu personalizabil pentru note OC}
    {Titlu personalizabil pentru note OC}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {Titlu personalizabil pentru note OC}
    {Titlu personalizabil pentru note OC}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->TODAY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->TODAY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->TODAY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->TODAY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->NEXT_WEEK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->NEXT_WEEK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->NEXT_WEEK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->NEXT_WEEK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Azi
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Azi
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Următoarea Săptămână
    Următoarea Săptămână
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Următoarea Săptămână
    Următoarea Săptămână
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->MH_SHORT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->MH_SHORT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->MH_SHORT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->MH_SHORT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. SP (Abreviere pentru Sala Principală)
    SP (Abreviere pentru Sala Principală)
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. SP (Abreviere pentru Sala Principală)
    SP (Abreviere pentru Sala Principală)
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->AUX_SHORT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->AUX_SHORT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->AUX_SHORT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->AUX_SHORT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. A (Abreviere pentru Clasă Auxiliară)
    A (Abreviere pentru Clasă Auxiliară)
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. A (Abreviere pentru Clasă Auxiliară)
    A (Abreviere pentru Clasă Auxiliară)
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CLASS_[A..C]_SCHEDULED<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CLASS_[A..C]_SCHEDULED<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CLASS_[A..C]_SCHEDULED<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CLASS_[A..C]_SCHEDULED<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Cuvântarea de Serviciu
    Cuvântarea de Serviciu
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Cuvântarea de Serviciu
    Cuvântarea de Serviciu
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_TH_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_TH_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_TH_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_TH_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_TH_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_TH_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_TH_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_TH_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Etichete de tipărire „Programare”
    Etichete de tipărireProgramare
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Etichete de tipărire „Programare”
    Etichete de tipărireProgramare
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <a href="#overall"> Tipărire generală a etichetelor </a> cu domeniul de aplicare MW1
    <a href="#overall"> Tipărire generală a etichetelor </a> cu domeniul de aplicare MW1
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <a href="#overall"> Tipărire generală a etichetelor </a> cu domeniul de aplicare MW1
    <a href="#overall"> Tipărire generală a etichetelor </a> cu domeniul de aplicare MW1
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. 1
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. 1
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <var class="pt_variable_description">{numele congregației}</var>&nbsp;<q>Congregație</q>
    <var class="pt_variable_description">{numele congregației}</var>&nbsp;<q>Congregație</q>
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <var class="pt_variable_description">{numele congregației}</var>&nbsp;<q>Congregație</q>
    <var class="pt_variable_description">{numele congregației}</var>&nbsp;<q>Congregație</q>
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Congregație
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Congregație
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. {numele congregației}
    {numele congregației}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {numele congregației}
    {numele congregației}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Turnul de Veghe
    Turnul de Veghe
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Turnul de Veghe
    Turnul de Veghe
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->TREASURES_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->TREASURES_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->TREASURES_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->TREASURES_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->APPLY_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->APPLY_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->APPLY_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->APPLY_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->LIVING_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->LIVING_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->LIVING_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->LIVING_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CLASS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CLASS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. [Etichetă de început a buclelor săptămânale (MW2)]
    [Etichetă de început a buclelor săptămânale (MW2)]
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. [Etichetă de încheiere a buclelor săptămânale (MW2)]
    [Etichetă de încheiere a buclelor săptămânale (MW2)]
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Etichete de tipărire „Fișă de lucru”
    Etichete de tipărireFișă de lucru
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. [Etichetă de început a buclelor săptămânale (2; MW2)]
    [Etichetă de început a buclelor săptămânale (2; MW2)]
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. [Etichetă de încheiere a buclelor săptămânale (2; MW2)]
    [Etichetă de încheiere a buclelor săptămânale (2; MW2)]
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. 2
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Tipărirea etichetelor
    Tipărirea etichetelor
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Iată lista de etichete de imprimare împreună cu valorile corespunzătoare ale acestora. Etichetele pot fi disponibile numai la anumite niveluri, de ex .:
    Iată lista de etichete de imprimare împreună cu valorile corespunzătoare ale acestora. Etichetele pot fi disponibile numai la anumite niveluri, de ex .:
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. pe întregul conținut al șablonului [1]
    pe întregul conținut al șablonului [1]
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. în cadrul unei bucle [2]
    în cadrul unei bucle [2]
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. sau chiar într-o buclă cuibărită [3]
    sau chiar într-o buclă cuibărită [3]
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Etichete de tipărire - Întruniri din săptămână și la sfârșit de săptămână
    Etichete de tipărire - Întruniri din săptămână și la sfârșit de săptămână
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <q>Class</q>&nbsp;<var class="pt_variable_description">{numărul de clase}</var>
    <q>Class</q>&nbsp;<var class="pt_variable_description">{numărul de clase}</var>
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. O buclă are o etichetă de început și de final. Acestea sunt denumite în consecință (<code> * _START; * _END </code>) și au o descriere <span class = "pt_loop_description"> [între paranteze] </span> în coloana <strong> Valoare </strong> care menționează, de asemenea, <strong> Domeniul de aplicare </strong> al etichetelor disponibile. Dacă o etichetă de imprimare returnează o variabilă, atunci valoarea este descrisă <var class = "pt_variable_description"> {între paranteze cretate} </var>; altfel apare textul menționat.
    O buclă are o etichetă de început și de final. Acestea sunt denumite în consecință (<code> * _START; * _END </code>) și au o descriere <span class = "pt_loop_description"> [între paranteze] </span> în coloana <strong> Valoare </strong> care menționează, de asemenea, <strong> Domeniul de aplicare </strong> al etichetelor disponibile. Dacă o etichetă de imprimare returnează o variabilă, atunci valoarea este descrisă <var class = "pt_variable_description"> {între paranteze cretate} </var>; altfel apare textul menționat.
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Întruniri din timpul săptămâni și la sfârșit de săptămână
    Întruniri din timpul săptămâni și la sfârșit de săptămână
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->PM_DATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PM_DATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. T
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {date}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Valoare
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Ethicetă
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Domeniu
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Etichete comune de tipărire
    Etichete comune de tipărire
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. [Etichetă de început a buclelor săptămânale (MW2)]
    [Etichetă de început a buclelor săptămânale (MW2)]
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. [Etichetă de început a buclelor săptămânale (MW2)]
    [Etichetă de început a buclelor săptămânale (MW2)]
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. [Etichetă de încheiere a buclelor săptămânale (MW2)]
    [Etichetă de încheiere a buclelor săptămânale (MW2)]
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. [Etichetă de încheiere a buclelor săptămânale (MW2)]
    [Etichetă de încheiere a buclelor săptămânale (MW2)]
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Etichete de tipărire „Fișă de lucru”
    Etichete de tipărireFișă de lucru
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Etichete de tipărire „Fișă de lucru”
    Etichete de tipărireFișă de lucru
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. [Etichetă de început a buclelor săptămânale (2; MW2)]
    [Etichetă de început a buclelor săptămânale (2; MW2)]
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. [Etichetă de început a buclelor săptămânale (2; MW2)]
    [Etichetă de început a buclelor săptămânale (2; MW2)]
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. [Etichetă de încheiere a buclelor săptămânale (2; MW2)]
    [Etichetă de încheiere a buclelor săptămânale (2; MW2)]
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. [Etichetă de încheiere a buclelor săptămânale (2; MW2)]
    [Etichetă de încheiere a buclelor săptămânale (2; MW2)]
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CLASS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CLASS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CLASS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CLASS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <q>Class</q>&nbsp;<var class="pt_variable_description">{numărul de clase}</var>
    <q>Class</q>&nbsp;<var class="pt_variable_description">{numărul de clase}</var>
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <q>Class</q>&nbsp;<var class="pt_variable_description">{numărul de clase}</var>
    <q>Class</q>&nbsp;<var class="pt_variable_description">{numărul de clase}</var>
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. 2
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. 2
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Etichete de tipărire - Întruniri din săptămână și la sfârșit de săptămână
    Etichete de tipărire - Întruniri din săptămână și la sfârșit de săptămână
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Etichete de tipărire - Întruniri din săptămână și la sfârșit de săptămână
    Etichete de tipărire - Întruniri din săptămână și la sfârșit de săptămână
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Tipărirea etichetelor
    Tipărirea etichetelor
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Tipărirea etichetelor
    Tipărirea etichetelor
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Iată lista de etichete de imprimare împreună cu valorile corespunzătoare ale acestora. Etichetele pot fi disponibile numai la anumite niveluri, de ex .:
    Iată lista de etichete de imprimare împreună cu valorile corespunzătoare ale acestora. Etichetele pot fi disponibile numai la anumite niveluri, de ex .:
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Iată lista de etichete de imprimare împreună cu valorile corespunzătoare ale acestora. Etichetele pot fi disponibile numai la anumite niveluri, de ex .:
    Iată lista de etichete de imprimare împreună cu valorile corespunzătoare ale acestora. Etichetele pot fi disponibile numai la anumite niveluri, de ex .:
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. în cadrul unei bucle [2]
    în cadrul unei bucle [2]
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. în cadrul unei bucle [2]
    în cadrul unei bucle [2]
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. pe întregul conținut al șablonului [1]
    pe întregul conținut al șablonului [1]
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. pe întregul conținut al șablonului [1]
    pe întregul conținut al șablonului [1]
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. sau chiar într-o buclă cuibărită [3]
    sau chiar într-o buclă cuibărită [3]
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. sau chiar într-o buclă cuibărită [3]
    sau chiar într-o buclă cuibărită [3]
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. O buclă are o etichetă de început și de final. Acestea sunt denumite în consecință (<code> * _START; * _END </code>) și au o descriere <span class = "pt_loop_description"> [între paranteze] </span> în coloana <strong> Valoare </strong> care menționează, de asemenea, <strong> Domeniul de aplicare </strong> al etichetelor disponibile. Dacă o etichetă de imprimare returnează o variabilă, atunci valoarea este descrisă <var class = "pt_variable_description"> {între paranteze cretate} </var>; altfel apare textul menționat.
    O buclă are o etichetă de început și de final. Acestea sunt denumite în consecință (<code> * _START; * _END </code>) și au o descriere <span class = "pt_loop_description"> [între paranteze] </span> în coloana <strong> Valoare </strong> care menționează, de asemenea, <strong> Domeniul de aplicare </strong> al etichetelor disponibile. Dacă o etichetă de imprimare returnează o variabilă, atunci valoarea este descrisă <var class = "pt_variable_description"> {între paranteze cretate} </var>; altfel apare textul menționat.
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. O buclă are o etichetă de început și de final. Acestea sunt denumite în consecință (<code> * _START; * _END </code>) și au o descriere <span class = "pt_loop_description"> [între paranteze] </span> în coloana <strong> Valoare </strong> care menționează, de asemenea, <strong> Domeniul de aplicare </strong> al etichetelor disponibile. Dacă o etichetă de imprimare returnează o variabilă, atunci valoarea este descrisă <var class = "pt_variable_description"> {între paranteze cretate} </var>; altfel apare textul menționat.
    O buclă are o etichetă de început și de final. Acestea sunt denumite în consecință (<code> * _START; * _END </code>) și au o descriere <span class = "pt_loop_description"> [între paranteze] </span> în coloana <strong> Valoare </strong> care menționează, de asemenea, <strong> Domeniul de aplicare </strong> al etichetelor disponibile. Dacă o etichetă de imprimare returnează o variabilă, atunci valoarea este descrisă <var class = "pt_variable_description"> {între paranteze cretate} </var>; altfel apare textul menționat.
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Întruniri din timpul săptămâni și la sfârșit de săptămână
    Întruniri din timpul săptămâni și la sfârșit de săptămână
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Întruniri din timpul săptămâni și la sfârșit de săptămână
    Întruniri din timpul săptămâni și la sfârșit de săptămână
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Etichete comune de tipărire
    Etichete comune de tipărire
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Etichete comune de tipărire
    Etichete comune de tipărire
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Ethicetă
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Ethicetă
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Valoare
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Valoare
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Domeniu
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Domeniu
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->PM_DATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PM_DATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->PM_DATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PM_DATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. {date}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {date}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. T
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. T
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {Vizita supraveghetorului de circumscripție, Săptămâna Congresului, ...}
    {Vizita supraveghetorului de circumscripție, Săptămâna Congresului, ...}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {<!-- Return value: -->"Yes"<!-- Don't translate this. --> or empty}
    {<!-- Return value: -->"Yes"<!-- Don't translate this. --> or empty}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_VISIT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_VISIT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {numele supraveghetorului de circumscripție}
    {numele supraveghetorului de circumscripție}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONVENTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONVENTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->WEEKS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->WEEKS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->FULLWEEKNUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->FULLWEEKNUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {weeks}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->WEEKNUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->WEEKNUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {numărul complet săptămânal}
    {numărul complet săptămânal}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {numărul săptămânii curente}
    {numărul săptămânii curente}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->NEWMONTH<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->NEWMONTH<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->ENDMONTH<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->ENDMONTH<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->ISFIRST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->ISFIRST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->ISLAST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->ISLAST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->BEGIN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->BEGIN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Începe la
    Începe la
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Etichete de tipărire combinate „combinate”
    Etichete de tipărire combinatecombinate
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. 1
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Congregație
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {numele congregației}
    {numele congregației}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. {Vizita supraveghetorului de circumscripție, Săptămâna Congresului, ...}
    {Vizita supraveghetorului de circumscripție, Săptămâna Congresului, ...}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {Vizita supraveghetorului de circumscripție, Săptămâna Congresului, ...}
    {Vizita supraveghetorului de circumscripție, Săptămâna Congresului, ...}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. {<!-- Return value: -->"Yes"<!-- Don't translate this. --> or empty}
    {<!-- Return value: -->"Yes"<!-- Don't translate this. --> or empty}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {<!-- Return value: -->"Yes"<!-- Don't translate this. --> or empty}
    {<!-- Return value: -->"Yes"<!-- Don't translate this. --> or empty}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_VISIT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_VISIT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_VISIT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_VISIT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. {numele supraveghetorului de circumscripție}
    {numele supraveghetorului de circumscripție}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {numele supraveghetorului de circumscripție}
    {numele supraveghetorului de circumscripție}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONVENTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONVENTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONVENTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONVENTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->WEEKS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->WEEKS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->WEEKS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->WEEKS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. {weeks}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {weeks}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->FULLWEEKNUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->FULLWEEKNUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->FULLWEEKNUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->FULLWEEKNUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->WEEKNUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->WEEKNUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->WEEKNUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->WEEKNUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. {numărul complet săptămânal}
    {numărul complet săptămânal}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {numărul complet săptămânal}
    {numărul complet săptămânal}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. {numărul săptămânii curente}
    {numărul săptămânii curente}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {numărul săptămânii curente}
    {numărul săptămânii curente}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->NEWMONTH<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->NEWMONTH<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->NEWMONTH<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->NEWMONTH<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->ENDMONTH<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->ENDMONTH<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->ENDMONTH<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->ENDMONTH<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->ISFIRST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->ISFIRST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->ISFIRST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->ISFIRST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->ISLAST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->ISLAST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->ISLAST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->ISLAST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->BEGIN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->BEGIN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->BEGIN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->BEGIN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Începe la
    Începe la
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Începe la
    Începe la
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Etichete de tipărire combinate „combinate”
    Etichete de tipărire combinatecombinate
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Etichete de tipărire combinate „combinate”
    Etichete de tipărire combinatecombinate
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. 1
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. 1
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Congregație
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Congregație
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. {numele congregației}
    {numele congregației}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {numele congregației}
    {numele congregației}
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
07 Sep from 4:20am to 5:13am