Эл. почтаЭл. почта
Эл. почтаЭл. почта
Условные ситуацииУсловные ситуации
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
!-- Don't translate this. --
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CONGREGATION_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
CBS_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
CONGREGATION_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
DATE_CHECKED_OUT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
CBS_READER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->DATE_CHECKED_BACK_IN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
DATE_CHECKED_BACK_IN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
CO_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
DATE_LAST_WORKED<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CO_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
RPA_CONTENT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
MAP<!-- Don't translate this. -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
CBS_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
STATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->TERRITORY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
OC_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
TERRITORY_NUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TODAY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TODAY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TERRITORY_TYPE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TERRITORY_TYPE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->NEXT_WEEK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
NEXT_WEEK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->MH_SHORT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
MH_SHORT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
CO_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TITLE_TERRITORYCOVERAGE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TITLE_TERRITORYCOVERAGE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_TH_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_TH_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TOTALNUMBER_TERRITORY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TOTALNUMBER_TERRITORY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_TH_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_TH_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_TOTALNUMBER_TERRITORY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_TOTALNUMBER_TERRITORY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->WORKED_LT6M<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
WORKED_LT6M<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->WORKED_GT12M<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
WORKED_GT12M<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CONGREGATION_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->AVERAGE_PER_YEAR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
AVERAGE_PER_YEAR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
TERRITORY_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->WT_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->APPLY_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
LIVING_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_LOCALITY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->
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<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_CITY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_CITY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_DATE_LAST_WORKED<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_DATE_LAST_WORKED<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CLASS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CLASS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_TERRITORY_REMARK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_TERRITORY_REMARK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_TERRITORY_GEOMETRY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_TERRITORY_GEOMETRY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{geometry of the territory's border in WKT format}{geometry of the territory's border in WKT format}
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_ASSIGNED_TO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_ASSIGNED_TO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{publisher to whom the territory is currently assigned}{publisher to whom the territory is currently assigned}
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_AVERAGE_PER_YEAR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_AVERAGE_PER_YEAR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_PUBLISHER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_PUBLISHER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_DATE_CHECKED_OUT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_DATE_CHECKED_OUT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{date when the territory has been checked out}{date when the territory has been checked out}
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_DATE_CHECKED_BACK_IN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_DATE_CHECKED_BACK_IN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TITLE_MAP<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TITLE_MAP<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TITLE_ADDRESSES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TITLE_ADDRESSES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TITLE_MAP_ADDRESSES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TITLE_MAP_ADDRESSES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TITLE_DNC<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TITLE_DNC<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_COUNTRY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_COUNTRY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_STATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_STATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_COUNTY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_COUNTY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_CITY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_CITY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_DISTRICT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_DISTRICT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_STREET<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_STREET<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_HOUSENUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_HOUSENUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_POSTALCODE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_POSTALCODE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_POINT_GEOMETRY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_POINT_GEOMETRY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{point geometry of the address in WKT format}{point geometry of the address in WKT format}
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_POINT_GEOMETRY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_POINT_GEOMETRY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_ADDRESSTYPE_NUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_ADDRESSTYPE_NUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_ADDRESSTYPE_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_ADDRESSTYPE_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_ADDRESSTYPE_COLOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_ADDRESSTYPE_COLOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->WT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
WT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->WT_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
WT_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->PRAYER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PRAYER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->DURATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
DURATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG1_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG1_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG2_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG2_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG3_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG3_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG1_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG1_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG2_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG2_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG3_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG3_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_NUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_NUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_GRP_THEME_[LC]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_GRP_THEME_[LC]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CONGREGATION_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CONGREGATION_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_PHONE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_SPEAKER_PHONE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_MOBILE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_SPEAKER_MOBILE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_HOST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_SPEAKER_HOST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_SPEAKER_CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_CONGREGATION_ADDRESS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_SPEAKER_CONGREGATION_ADDRESS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_CONGREGATION_CIRCUIT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_SPEAKER_CONGREGATION_CIRCUIT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_CONGREGATION_INFO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_SPEAKER_CONGREGATION_INFO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->PM_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PM_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->WT_READER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
WT_READER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->WT_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
WT_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->WT_ARTICLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
WT_ARTICLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->WT_COLOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
WT_COLOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->WT_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
WT_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->WT_CONDUCTOR_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
WT_CONDUCTOR_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->WT_CONDUCTOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
WT_CONDUCTOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->NO_MEETING<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
NO_MEETING<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->NO_MEETING_EXCEPTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
NO_MEETING_EXCEPTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CO_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CO_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CO_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CO_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CO_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CO_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->PHONE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PHONE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->HOST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
HOST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TALK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TALK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->DATE_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
DATE_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_THEME_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_THEME_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->FROM_NUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FROM_NUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
Встреча Христианская жизнь и служениеВстреча Христианская жизнь и служение
Встреча Христианская жизнь и служениеВстреча Христианская жизнь и служение
Публичная речьПубличная речь
Публичная речьПубличная речь
Публичная встречаПубличная встреча
Публичная встречаПубличная встреча
Выбрать по крайней мере одну опциюВыбрать по крайней мере одну опцию
Выбери хотя бы один вариантВыбери хотя бы один вариант
Неделя от %1Неделя от %1
Неделя от %1Неделя от %1
Шаблон не найденШаблон не найден
Шаблон не найденШаблон не найден
%1 Собрание%1 Собрание
Собрание %1Собрание %1
Встреча в будниВстреча в будни
встреча в будние днивстреча в будние дни
Встреча в будниВстреча в будни
Встреча в будние дниВстреча в будние дни
Встреча в будниВстреча в будни
Встреча в будние дниВстреча в будние дни
Встреча в будниВстреча в будни
Встреча в будние дниВстреча в будние дни
Встреча в будниВстреча в будни
Встреча в будние дниВстреча в будние дни
Встреча в будниВстреча в будни
Встреча в будние дниВстреча в будние дни
Встреча в будниВстреча в будни
Встреча в будние дниВстреча в будние дни
Встреча в будниВстреча в будни
Встреча в будние дниВстреча в будние дни
встреча в будние днивстреча в будние дни
Встреча в будние дниВстреча в будние дни
Встреча в будниВстреча в будни
Встреча в будние дниВстреча в будние дни
{midweek meeting title}{midweek meeting title}
Заключительные словаЗаключительные слова
Заключительные словаЗаключительные слова
Заключительные словаЗаключительные слова
Неверный ввод, извинитеНеверный ввод, извините
Встреча в выходные дниВстреча в выходные дни
Нет регулярных встречНет регулярных встреч
Ведущий изучение СБВедущий изучение СБ
Районный надзирательРайонный надзиратель
Чтец СБЧтец СБ
Встреча Христианская жизнь и служениеВстреча Христианская жизнь и служение
Изучение СБИзучение СБ
Публичная речьПубличная речь
Встреча в выходные дниВстреча в выходные дни
Публичная встречаПубличная встреча
номера речейномера речей
Публичные речиПубличные речи
Изучение СБИзучение СБ
Урок %1Урок %1
Публичная речьПубличная речь
Собрание %1Собрание %1
Районный надзирательРайонный надзиратель
Вступительные словаВступительные слова
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