Ko se boš premaknil na ustrezni teden, bodo dodeljene točke ponovno potrjene. V primeru napake se bo pri posamezni točki prikazala opozorilna ikona. Prosimo, preveri dodatne informacije v stranski vrstici in po potrebi točko ponovno dodeli, kot je pojasnjeno spodaj.
Ko se boš premaknil na ustrezni teden, bodo dodeljene točke ponovno potrjene. V primeru napake se bo pri posamezni točki prikazala opozorilna ikona. Prosimo, preveri dodatne informacije v stranski vrstici in po potrebi točko ponovno dodeli, kot je pojasnjeno spodaj.
Hover the row of a meeting part in the schedule, and click the <img src="../images/pencil_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" /> button to start editing.
Hover the row of a meeting part in the schedule, and click the <img src="../images/pencil_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" /> button to start editing.
Hover the row of a meeting part in the schedule, and click the <img src="../images/pencil_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" /> button to start editing.
Hover the row of a meeting part in the schedule, and click the <img src="../images/pencil_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" /> button to start editing.
changed by Boštjan .
Z miško se pomakni na tisto vrstico v razporedu, v kateri se nahaja točka, in klikni na gumb <img src="../images/pencil_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />, če želiš točko urediti.
Z miško se pomakni na tisto vrstico v razporedu, v kateri se nahaja točka, in klikni na gumb <img src="../images/pencil_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />, če želiš točko urediti.
in order to quickly find a person, type the name in the <strong>search box [1]</strong> at the top, and then press <strong>Enter</strong> to filter the list
in order to quickly find a person, type the name in the <strong>search box [1]</strong> at the top, and then press <strong>Enter</strong> to filter the list
in order to quickly find a person, type the name in the <strong>search box [1]</strong> at the top, and then press <strong>Enter</strong> to filter the list
in order to quickly find a person, type the name in the <strong>search box [1]</strong> at the top, and then press <strong>Enter</strong> to filter the list
changed by Boštjan .
Če želiš hitro najti osebo, napiši njeno ime v zgornje <strong>iskalno polje [1]</strong> in nato pritisni tipko <strong>Enter</strong>.
Če želiš hitro najti osebo, napiši njeno ime v zgornje <strong>iskalno polje [1]</strong> in nato pritisni tipko <strong>Enter</strong>.