02 May from 11:01am to 11:47am
Stéphane HUC changed 83 translations in English, Finnish, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Greek, French, Romanian, Swedish, Bulgarian, Czech, Norwegian Bokmål, Ukrainian, Portuguese, Brazil, Slovenian, Armenian, Nepali, Hebrew and Ukrainian, Ukraine on TheocBase. Hide changes

In English:

  1. Open the <strong>Add subjects</strong> page in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.
    Open the <strong>Add subjects</strong> page in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.

    Open the <strong>Add subjects</strong> page in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.

    changed via the API .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Open the <strong>Public talks maintenance</strong> page in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.
    Open the <strong>Public talks maintenance</strong> page in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.

    Open the <strong>Public talks maintenance</strong> page in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.

    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Open the <strong>Public talks maintenance</strong> page in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.
    Open the <strong>Public talks maintenance</strong> page in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.

    Open the <strong>Public talks maintenance</strong> page in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.

    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Go the <strong>Public talks maintenance</strong> tab into the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.
    Go the <strong>Public talks maintenance</strong> tab into the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.

    Go the <strong>Public talks maintenance</strong> tab into the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.

    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Open the&nbsp;<strong>Add talks</strong> page in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.
    Open the&nbsp;<strong>Add talks</strong> page in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.

    Open the&nbsp;<strong>Add talks</strong> page in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.

    changed via the API .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Go the <strong>Public talks maintenance</strong> tab in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.
    Go the <strong>Public talks maintenance</strong> tab in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.

    Go the <strong>Public talks maintenance</strong> tab in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.

    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Open the <strong>Add talks</strong> page in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.
    Open the <strong>Add talks</strong> page in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.

    Open the <strong>Add talks</strong> page in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.

    changed via the API .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Go the <strong>Public talks maintenance</strong> tab in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.
    Go the <strong>Public talks maintenance</strong> tab in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.

    Go the <strong>Public talks maintenance</strong> tab in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.

    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

In Finnish:

  1. Avaa <strong>Lisää teemoja</strong> sivu <strong>Esitelmäasetuksissa</strong>.
    Avaa <strong>Lisää teemoja</strong> sivu <strong>Esitelmäasetuksissa</strong>.
    changed by Juhani Matilainen .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Avaa <strong>Lisää teemoja</strong> sivu <strong>Esitelmäasetuksissa</strong>.
    Avaa <strong>Lisää teemoja</strong> sivu <strong>Esitelmäasetuksissa</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. Avaa <strong>Lisää esitelmiä</strong> sivu <strong>esitelmien asetuksissa</strong>.
    Avaa <strong>Lisää esitelmiä</strong> sivu <strong>esitelmien asetuksissa</strong>.
    changed by Juhani Matilainen .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Avaa <strong>Lisää esitelmiä</strong> sivu <strong>esitelmien asetuksissa</strong>.
    Avaa <strong>Lisää esitelmiä</strong> sivu <strong>esitelmien asetuksissa</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

In Russian:

  1. Открой страницу <strong>Добавить публичную речь</strong> в разделе <strong>Настройки - Публичные речи</strong>.
    Открой страницу <strong>Добавить публичную речь</strong> в разделе <strong>Настройки - Публичные речи</strong>.
    changed by Jürgen .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Открой страницу <strong>Добавить публичную речь</strong> в разделе <strong>Настройки - Публичные речи</strong>.
    Открой страницу <strong>Добавить публичную речь</strong> в разделе <strong>Настройки - Публичные речи</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. Открой страницу&nbsp;<strong>Добавить публичную речь</strong> в разделе <strong>Настройки - Публичные речи</strong>.
    Открой страницу&nbsp;<strong>Добавить публичную речь</strong> в разделе <strong>Настройки - Публичные речи</strong>.
    changed by Jürgen .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Открой страницу&nbsp;<strong>Добавить публичную речь</strong> в разделе <strong>Настройки - Публичные речи</strong>.
    Открой страницу&nbsp;<strong>Добавить публичную речь</strong> в разделе <strong>Настройки - Публичные речи</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. Откройте страницу <strong>Добавить публичную речь</strong> в <strong>Настройки - публичные речи</strong>.
    Откройте страницу <strong>Добавить публичную речь</strong> в <strong>Настройки - публичные речи</strong>.
    changed by Jürgen .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Откройте страницу <strong>Добавить публичную речь</strong> в <strong>Настройки - публичные речи</strong>.
    Откройте страницу <strong>Добавить публичную речь</strong> в <strong>Настройки - публичные речи</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

In Spanish:

  1. Abre la página <strong>Añadir temas</strong> en las preferencias de <strong>Discursos Públicos</strong>.
    Abre la página <strong>Añadir temas</strong> en las preferencias de <strong>Discursos Públicos</strong>.
    changed by Manuel .
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  2. Abre la página <strong>Añadir temas</strong> en las preferencias de <strong>Discursos Públicos</strong>.
    Abre la página <strong>Añadir temas</strong> en las preferencias de <strong>Discursos Públicos</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. Abre la página&nbsp;<strong>Añadir discursos</strong> en las preferencias de <strong>Discursos Públicos</strong>.
    Abre la página&nbsp;<strong>Añadir discursos</strong> en las preferencias de <strong>Discursos Públicos</strong>.
    changed by Manuel .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Abre la página&nbsp;<strong>Añadir discursos</strong> en las preferencias de <strong>Discursos Públicos</strong>.
    Abre la página&nbsp;<strong>Añadir discursos</strong> en las preferencias de <strong>Discursos Públicos</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. Abre la página <strong>Añadir discursos</strong> en las preferencias de <strong>Discursos Públicos</strong>.
    Abre la página <strong>Añadir discursos</strong> en las preferencias de <strong>Discursos Públicos</strong>.
    changed by Manuel .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Abre la página <strong>Añadir discursos</strong> en las preferencias de <strong>Discursos Públicos</strong>.
    Abre la página <strong>Añadir discursos</strong> en las preferencias de <strong>Discursos Públicos</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

In Italian:

  1. Apri la pagina <strong> Aggiungi argomenti </strong> in <strong> Impostazioni Discorsi Pubblici</strong>.
    Apri la pagina <strong> Aggiungi argomenti </strong> in <strong> Impostazioni Discorsi Pubblici</strong>.
    changed by Massimo Gomirato .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Apri la pagina <strong> Aggiungi argomenti </strong> in <strong> Impostazioni Discorsi Pubblici</strong>.
    Apri la pagina <strong> Aggiungi argomenti </strong> in <strong> Impostazioni Discorsi Pubblici</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. Apri la pagina &nbsp; <strong> Aggiungi discorsi </strong> nelle <strong> Impostazioni Discorsi Pubblici</strong>.
    Apri la pagina &nbsp; <strong> Aggiungi discorsi </strong> nelle <strong> Impostazioni Discorsi Pubblici</strong>.
    changed by Massimo Gomirato .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Apri la pagina &nbsp; <strong> Aggiungi discorsi </strong> nelle <strong> Impostazioni Discorsi Pubblici</strong>.
    Apri la pagina &nbsp; <strong> Aggiungi discorsi </strong> nelle <strong> Impostazioni Discorsi Pubblici</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. Apri la pagina <strong> Aggiungi discorsi </strong> in <strong> Impostazioni discorsi pubblici </strong>.
    Apri la pagina <strong> Aggiungi discorsi </strong> in <strong> Impostazioni discorsi pubblici </strong>.
    changed by Massimo Gomirato .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Apri la pagina <strong> Aggiungi discorsi </strong> in <strong> Impostazioni discorsi pubblici </strong>.
    Apri la pagina <strong> Aggiungi discorsi </strong> in <strong> Impostazioni discorsi pubblici </strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

In Dutch:

  1. Ga naar <strong>Instellingen voor openbare lezingen</strong> en kies het onderdeel <strong>Onderwerpen toevoegen</strong>.
    Ga naar <strong>Instellingen voor openbare lezingen</strong> en kies het onderdeel <strong>Onderwerpen toevoegen</strong>.
    changed by Ruben Van Laerhoven .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Ga naar <strong>Instellingen voor openbare lezingen</strong> en kies het onderdeel <strong>Onderwerpen toevoegen</strong>.
    Ga naar <strong>Instellingen voor openbare lezingen</strong> en kies het onderdeel <strong>Onderwerpen toevoegen</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. Bij <strong>Instellingen openbare lezingen</strong> de pagina&nbsp;<strong>Lezingen toevoegen</strong> openen.
    Bij <strong>Instellingen openbare lezingen</strong> de pagina&nbsp;<strong>Lezingen toevoegen</strong> openen.
    changed by Ruben Van Laerhoven .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Bij <strong>Instellingen openbare lezingen</strong> de pagina&nbsp;<strong>Lezingen toevoegen</strong> openen.
    Bij <strong>Instellingen openbare lezingen</strong> de pagina&nbsp;<strong>Lezingen toevoegen</strong> openen.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. In <strong>Instellingen openbare lezingen</strong> de pagina <strong>Lezingen toevoegen</strong> openen.
    In <strong>Instellingen openbare lezingen</strong> de pagina <strong>Lezingen toevoegen</strong> openen.
    changed by Ruben Van Laerhoven .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. In <strong>Instellingen openbare lezingen</strong> de pagina <strong>Lezingen toevoegen</strong> openen.
    In <strong>Instellingen openbare lezingen</strong> de pagina <strong>Lezingen toevoegen</strong> openen.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

In Greek:

  1. Ανοίξτε τη σελίδα <strong>Προσθήκη θεμάτων</strong> στις <strong>Ρυθμίσεις δημόσιων συνομιλιών</strong>.
    Ανοίξτε τη σελίδα <strong>Προσθήκη θεμάτων</strong> στις <strong>Ρυθμίσεις δημόσιων συνομιλιών</strong>.
    changed by Andreas Giannakakis .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Ανοίξτε τη σελίδα <strong>Προσθήκη θεμάτων</strong> στις <strong>Ρυθμίσεις δημόσιων συνομιλιών</strong>.
    Ανοίξτε τη σελίδα <strong>Προσθήκη θεμάτων</strong> στις <strong>Ρυθμίσεις δημόσιων συνομιλιών</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

In French:

  2. Cantique %1 et Prière
    Cantique %1 et Prière
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
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  2. Cantique et Prière
    Cantique et Prière
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Cantique %1 et Prière
    Cantique %1 et Prière
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Cantique et Prière
    Cantique et Prière
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Cantique et Prière
    Cantique et Prière
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Cantique %1 et Prière
    Cantique %1 et Prière
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Cantique %1 et Prière
    Cantique %1 et Prière
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Cantique %1 et Prière
    Cantique %1 et Prière
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Cantique %1 et Prière
    Cantique %1 et Prière
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Ouvre la page&nbsp;<strong>Ajoute des discours</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    Ouvre la page&nbsp;<strong>Ajoute des discours</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Ouvre la page&nbsp;<strong>Ajouter des discours</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    Ouvre la page&nbsp;<strong>Ajouter des discours</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Ouvre la page&nbsp;<strong>Ajouter des discours</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    Ouvre la page&nbsp;<strong>Ajouter des discours</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Ouvre la page&nbsp;<strong>Ajouter des discours</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    Ouvre la page&nbsp;<strong>Ajouter des discours</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Va à la page <strong>Paramètres</strong> et sélectionne la page du cahier pour la <strong>réunion Vie chrétienne et ministère</strong>.
    Va à la page <strong>Paramètres</strong> et sélectionne la page du cahier pour la <strong>réunion Vie chrétienne et ministère</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Va dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong> et sélectionne le menu <strong>Réunion Vie chrétienne et ministère</strong>.
    Va dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong> et sélectionne le menu <strong>Réunion Vie chrétienne et ministère</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne la page <strong>Cantiques</strong>.
    Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne la page <strong>Cantiques</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne le menu <strong>Cantiques</strong>.
    Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne le menu <strong>Cantiques</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne la page <strong>Territoires</strong>.
    Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne la page <strong>Territoires</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne le menu <strong>Territoires</strong>.
    Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne le menu <strong>Territoires</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne la page <strong>Discours Publics</strong>.
    Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne la page <strong>Discours Publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne le menu <strong>Discours Publics</strong>.
    Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne le menu <strong>Discours Publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Dans la page <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne la page <strong>Contrôle des accès</strong>.
    Dans la page <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne la page <strong>Contrôle des accès</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne le menu <strong>Contrôle des accès</strong>.
    Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne le menu <strong>Contrôle des accès</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Va dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong> et sélectionne le menu <strong>Réunion Vie chrétienne et ministère</strong>.
    Va dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong> et sélectionne le menu <strong>Réunion Vie chrétienne et ministère</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Va dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong> et sélectionne le menu <strong>Réunion Vie chrétienne et ministère</strong>.
    Va dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong> et sélectionne le menu <strong>Réunion Vie chrétienne et ministère</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne le menu <strong>Cantiques</strong>.
    Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne le menu <strong>Cantiques</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne le menu <strong>Cantiques</strong>.
    Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne le menu <strong>Cantiques</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne le menu <strong>Territoires</strong>.
    Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne le menu <strong>Territoires</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne le menu <strong>Territoires</strong>.
    Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne le menu <strong>Territoires</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne le menu <strong>Discours Publics</strong>.
    Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne le menu <strong>Discours Publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne le menu <strong>Discours Publics</strong>.
    Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne le menu <strong>Discours Publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne le menu <strong>Contrôle des accès</strong>.
    Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne le menu <strong>Contrôle des accès</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne le menu <strong>Contrôle des accès</strong>.
    Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne le menu <strong>Contrôle des accès</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Sur la page <strong>Discours publics</strong> dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne l’onglet <strong>Ajouter des assemblées et des orateurs</strong>.
    Sur la page <strong>Discours publics</strong> dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne longlet <strong>Ajouter des assemblées et des orateurs</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne l’onglet <strong>Ajouter des assemblées et des orateurs</strong> du menu <strong>Discours publics</strong>.
    Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne longlet <strong>Ajouter des assemblées et des orateurs</strong> du menu  <strong>Discours publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne l’onglet <strong>Ajouter des assemblées et des orateurs</strong> du menu <strong>Discours publics</strong>.
    Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne longlet <strong>Ajouter des assemblées et des orateurs</strong> du menu  <strong>Discours publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne l’onglet <strong>Ajouter des assemblées et des orateurs</strong> du menu <strong>Discours publics</strong>.
    Dans les <strong>Paramètres</strong>, sélectionne longlet <strong>Ajouter des assemblées et des orateurs</strong> du menu  <strong>Discours publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Ouvre la page <strong>Ajouter un sujet</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    Ouvre la page <strong>Ajouter un sujet</strong> dans le menu  <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Ouvre la page <strong>Ajouter un sujet</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    Ouvre la page <strong>Ajouter un sujet</strong> dans le menu  <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. Ouvre la page&nbsp;<strong>Ajouter des discours</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    Ouvre la page&nbsp;<strong>Ajouter des discours</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Ouvre la page&nbsp;<strong>Ajouter des discours</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    Ouvre la page&nbsp;<strong>Ajouter des discours</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. Ouvre la page <strong>Ajouter des discours</strong> dans les <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    Ouvre la page <strong>Ajouter des discours</strong> dans les <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Ouvre la page <strong>Ajouter des discours</strong> dans les <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    Ouvre la page <strong>Ajouter des discours</strong> dans les <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. Ouvre la page <strong>Ajouter un sujet</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    Ouvre la page <strong>Ajouter un sujet</strong> dans le menu  <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  2. Va sur l'onglet <strong>Gestion des discours public</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    Va sur l'onglet <strong>Gestion des discours public</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Va sur l'onglet <strong>Gestion des discours public</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    Va sur l'onglet <strong>Gestion des discours public</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Va sur l'onglet <strong>Gestion des discours publics</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    Va sur l'onglet <strong>Gestion des discours publics</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Ouvre la page&nbsp;<strong>Ajouter des discours</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    Ouvre la page&nbsp;<strong>Ajouter des discours</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  2. Va sur l'onglet <strong>Gestion des discours publics</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    Va sur l'onglet <strong>Gestion des discours publics</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Ouvre la page <strong>Ajouter des discours</strong> dans les <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    Ouvre la page <strong>Ajouter des discours</strong> dans les <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  2. Va sur l'onglet <strong>Gestion des discours publics</strong> dans les <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    Va sur l'onglet <strong>Gestion des discours publics</strong> dans les <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Va sur l'onglet <strong>Gestion des discours publics</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    Va sur l'onglet <strong>Gestion des discours publics</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Va sur l'onglet <strong>Gestion des discours publics</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    Va sur l'onglet <strong>Gestion des discours publics</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Va sur l'onglet <strong>Gestion des discours publics</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    Va sur l'onglet <strong>Gestion des discours publics</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Va sur l'onglet <strong>Gestion des discours publics</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    Va sur l'onglet <strong>Gestion des discours publics</strong> dans le menu <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Va sur l'onglet <strong>Gestion des discours publics</strong> dans les <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    Va sur l'onglet <strong>Gestion des discours publics</strong> dans les <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Va sur l'onglet <strong>Gestion des discours publics</strong> dans les <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    Va sur l'onglet <strong>Gestion des discours publics</strong> dans les <strong>Paramètres des discours publics</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

In Romanian:

  1. Deschideți pagina <strong> Adăugați subiecte </strong> în <strong> Setările Discursurilor Publice </strong>.
    Deschideți pagina <strong> Adăugați subiecte </strong> în <strong> Setările Discursurilor Publice </strong>.
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Deschideți pagina <strong> Adăugați subiecte </strong> în <strong> Setările Discursurilor Publice </strong>.
    Deschideți pagina <strong> Adăugați subiecte </strong> în <strong> Setările Discursurilor Publice </strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. Deschideți pagina & nbsp; <strong> Adăugați discursuri </strong> în <strong> Setările Discursuri Publice </strong>.
    Deschideți pagina & nbsp; <strong> Adăugați discursuri </strong> în <strong> Setările Discursuri Publice </strong>.
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Deschideți pagina & nbsp; <strong> Adăugați discursuri </strong> în <strong> Setările Discursuri Publice </strong>.
    Deschideți pagina & nbsp; <strong> Adăugați discursuri </strong> în <strong> Setările Discursuri Publice </strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. Deschideți pagina <strong> Adăugați un Discurs </strong> în <strong> Setările Discursurilor Publice </strong>.
    Deschideți pagina <strong> Adăugați un Discurs </strong> în <strong> Setările Discursurilor Publice </strong>.
    changed by Bbudar .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Deschideți pagina <strong> Adăugați un Discurs </strong> în <strong> Setările Discursurilor Publice </strong>.
    Deschideți pagina <strong> Adăugați un Discurs </strong> în <strong> Setările Discursurilor Publice </strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

In Swedish:

  1. Öppna sidan <strong>Lägg till ämnen</strong> i <strong>Inställningar för offentliga föredrag</strong>.
    Öppna sidan <strong>Lägg till ämnen</strong> i <strong>Inställningar för offentliga föredrag</strong>.
    changed by Patrick Jakobsson .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Öppna sidan <strong>Lägg till ämnen</strong> i <strong>Inställningar för offentliga föredrag</strong>.
    Öppna sidan <strong>Lägg till ämnen</strong> i <strong>Inställningar för offentliga föredrag</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. Öppna sidan&nbsp; <strong>Lägg till föredrag</strong> i <strong>Inställningar för offentliga föredrag</strong>.
    Öppna sidan&nbsp; <strong>Lägg till föredrag</strong> i <strong>Inställningar för offentliga föredrag</strong>.
    changed by Patrick Jakobsson .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Öppna sidan&nbsp; <strong>Lägg till föredrag</strong> i <strong>Inställningar för offentliga föredrag</strong>.
    Öppna sidan&nbsp; <strong>Lägg till föredrag</strong> i <strong>Inställningar för offentliga föredrag</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. Öppna sidan <strong>Lägg till föredrag</strong> i <strong>Inställningar för offentliga föredrag</strong>.
    Öppna sidan <strong>Lägg till föredrag</strong> i <strong>Inställningar för offentliga föredrag</strong>.
    changed by Patrick Jakobsson .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Öppna sidan <strong>Lägg till föredrag</strong> i <strong>Inställningar för offentliga föredrag</strong>.
    Öppna sidan <strong>Lägg till föredrag</strong> i <strong>Inställningar för offentliga föredrag</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

In Bulgarian:

  1. Отвори страницата <strong>Добави тема</strong> в <strong>Настройки на публични доклади</strong>.
    Отвори страницата <strong>Добави тема</strong> в <strong>Настройки на публични доклади</strong>.
    changed by Martin Kalchev .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Отвори страницата <strong>Добави тема</strong> в <strong>Настройки на публични доклади</strong>.
    Отвори страницата <strong>Добави тема</strong> в <strong>Настройки на публични доклади</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. Отвори страницата <strong>Добави доклади</strong> в <strong>Настройките на публичните доклади</strong>.
    Отвори страницата <strong>Добави доклади</strong> в <strong>Настройките на публичните доклади</strong>.
    changed by Martin Kalchev .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Отвори страницата <strong>Добави доклади</strong> в <strong>Настройките на публичните доклади</strong>.
    Отвори страницата <strong>Добави доклади</strong> в <strong>Настройките на публичните доклади</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. Отвори страницата <strong>Добави доклади</strong> в <strong>Настройките на публичните доклади</strong>.
    Отвори страницата <strong>Добави доклади</strong> в <strong>Настройките на публичните доклади</strong>.
    changed by Martin Kalchev .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Отвори страницата <strong>Добави доклади</strong> в <strong>Настройките на публичните доклади</strong>.
    Отвори страницата <strong>Добави доклади</strong> в <strong>Настройките на публичните доклади</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

In Czech:

  1. Open the <strong>Add subjects</strong> page in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.
    Open the <strong>Add subjects</strong> page in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.
    changed by Zbynda .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Open the <strong>Add subjects</strong> page in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.
    Open the <strong>Add subjects</strong> page in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. Open the&nbsp;<strong>Add talks</strong> page in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.
    Open the&nbsp;<strong>Add talks</strong> page in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.
    changed by Zbynda .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Open the&nbsp;<strong>Add talks</strong> page in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.
    Open the&nbsp;<strong>Add talks</strong> page in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. Open the <strong>Add talks</strong> page in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.
    Open the <strong>Add talks</strong> page in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.
    changed by Zbynda .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Open the <strong>Add talks</strong> page in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.
    Open the <strong>Add talks</strong> page in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

In Norwegian Bokmål:

  1. Åpne <strong>Legg til temaer</strong>-siden under <strong>Innstillinger - Offentlige foredrag</strong>.
    Åpne <strong>Legg til temaer</strong>-siden under <strong>Innstillinger - Offentlige foredrag</strong>.
    changed by Nicki .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Åpne <strong>Legg til temaer</strong>-siden under <strong>Innstillinger - Offentlige foredrag</strong>.
    Åpne <strong>Legg til temaer</strong>-siden under <strong>Innstillinger - Offentlige foredrag</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

In Ukrainian:

  1. Відкрийте сторінку <strong> Додати теми </strong> в <strong> Налаштування публічних промов </strong>.
    Відкрийте сторінку <strong> Додати теми </strong> в <strong> Налаштування публічних промов </strong>.
    changed by Andrii Holizna .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Відкрийте сторінку <strong> Додати теми </strong> в <strong> Налаштування публічних промов </strong>.
    Відкрийте сторінку <strong> Додати теми </strong> в <strong> Налаштування публічних промов </strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. Відкрийте сторінку <strong> Додати промови </strong> в <strong> Налаштуваннях Публічних Промов </strong>.
    Відкрийте сторінку <strong> Додати промови </strong> в <strong> Налаштуваннях Публічних Промов </strong>.
    changed by Andrii Holizna .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Відкрийте сторінку <strong> Додати промови </strong> в <strong> Налаштуваннях Публічних Промов </strong>.
    Відкрийте сторінку <strong> Додати промови </strong> в <strong> Налаштуваннях Публічних Промов </strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. Відкрийте сторінку <strong> Додати Публічні Промови </strong> в <strong> Налаштування публічних промов </strong>.
    Відкрийте сторінку <strong> Додати Публічні Промови </strong> в <strong> Налаштування публічних промов </strong>.
    changed by Andrii Holizna .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Відкрийте сторінку <strong> Додати Публічні Промови </strong> в <strong> Налаштування публічних промов </strong>.
    Відкрийте сторінку <strong> Додати Публічні Промови </strong> в <strong> Налаштування публічних промов </strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

In Portuguese, Brazil:

  1. Abra a página <strong>Adicionar assuntos</strong> nas <strong>Configurações de Discursos Públicos</strong> .
    Abra a página <strong>Adicionar assuntos</strong> nas <strong>Configurações de Discursos Públicos</strong> .
    changed by Charllysfernandes .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Abra a página <strong>Adicionar assuntos</strong> nas <strong>Configurações de Discursos Públicos</strong> .
    Abra a página <strong>Adicionar assuntos</strong> nas <strong>Configurações de Discursos Públicos</strong> .
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. Abra a página <strong>Adicionar discursos</strong> nas <strong>Configurações de Discursos Públicos</strong> .
    Abra a página <strong>Adicionar discursos</strong> nas <strong>Configurações de Discursos Públicos</strong> .
    changed by Charllysfernandes .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Abra a página <strong>Adicionar discursos</strong> nas <strong>Configurações de Discursos Públicos</strong> .
    Abra a página <strong>Adicionar discursos</strong> nas <strong>Configurações de Discursos Públicos</strong> .
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. Abra a página <strong>Adicionar discursos</strong> nas <strong>Configurações de Discursos Públicos</strong> .
    Abra a página <strong>Adicionar discursos</strong> nas <strong>Configurações de Discursos Públicos</strong> .
    changed by Charllysfernandes .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Abra a página <strong>Adicionar discursos</strong> nas <strong>Configurações de Discursos Públicos</strong> .
    Abra a página <strong>Adicionar discursos</strong> nas <strong>Configurações de Discursos Públicos</strong> .
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

In Slovenian:

  1. Na strani <strong>Nastavitve javnih govorov</strong> odpri <strong>Dodaj teme</strong>.
    Na strani <strong>Nastavitve javnih govorov</strong> odpri <strong>Dodaj teme</strong>.
    changed by Dpavlic3 .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Na strani <strong>Nastavitve javnih govorov</strong> odpri <strong>Dodaj teme</strong>.
    Na strani <strong>Nastavitve javnih govorov</strong> odpri <strong>Dodaj teme</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. Odpri stran <strong>Dodaj govore</strong> v <strong>Nastavitvah javnih govorov</strong>.
    Odpri stran <strong>Dodaj govore</strong> v <strong>Nastavitvah javnih govorov</strong>.
    changed by Dpavlic3 .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Odpri stran <strong>Dodaj govore</strong> v <strong>Nastavitvah javnih govorov</strong>.
    Odpri stran <strong>Dodaj govore</strong> v <strong>Nastavitvah javnih govorov</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. V <strong>Nastavitvah javnih govorov</strong> odpri stran <strong>Dodaj govore</strong>.
    V <strong>Nastavitvah javnih govorov</strong> odpri stran <strong>Dodaj govore</strong>.
    changed by Dpavlic3 .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. V <strong>Nastavitvah javnih govorov</strong> odpri stran <strong>Dodaj govore</strong>.
    V <strong>Nastavitvah javnih govorov</strong> odpri stran <strong>Dodaj govore</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

In Armenian:

  1. <strong>Հանրային ելույթի կարագավորումներում</strong>բացել<strong>ավելացնել թեմաներ </strong>էջը։
    <strong>Հանրային ելույթի կարագավորումներում</strong>բացել<strong>ավելացնել թեմաներ </strong>էջը։
    changed by Arno .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <strong>Հանրային ելույթի կարագավորումներում</strong>բացել<strong>ավելացնել թեմաներ </strong>էջը։
    <strong>Հանրային ելույթի կարագավորումներում</strong>բացել<strong>ավելացնել թեմաներ </strong>էջը։
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. <strong>Հանրային ելույթի կարագավորումներում<strong>բացել<strong>ավելացնել ելույթներ</strong> էջը ։
    <strong>Հանրային ելույթի կարագավորումներում<strong>բացել<strong>ավելացնել ելույթներ</strong> էջը ։
    changed by Arno .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <strong>Հանրային ելույթի կարագավորումներում<strong>բացել<strong>ավելացնել ելույթներ</strong> էջը ։
    <strong>Հանրային ելույթի կարագավորումներում<strong>բացել<strong>ավելացնել ելույթներ</strong> էջը ։
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

In Nepali:

  1. <strong>जनभाषण सेटिङ</strong>मा गएर <strong>विषय थप्ने</strong> पेज खोल्नुहोस्।
    <strong>जनभाषण सेटिङ</strong>मा गएर <strong>विषय थप्ने</strong> पेज खोल्नुहोस्
    changed by Tomo .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <strong>जनभाषण सेटिङ</strong>मा गएर <strong>विषय थप्ने</strong> पेज खोल्नुहोस्।
    <strong>जनभाषण सेटिङ</strong>मा गएर <strong>विषय थप्ने</strong> पेज खोल्नुहोस्
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. <strong>जनभाषण सेटिङ</strong>मा &nbsp;<strong>भाषण थप्ने</strong> पेज खोल्नुहोस्।
    <strong>जनभाषण सेटिङ</strong>मा &nbsp;<strong>भाषण थप्ने</strong> पेज खोल्नुहोस्
    changed by Tomo .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <strong>जनभाषण सेटिङ</strong>मा &nbsp;<strong>भाषण थप्ने</strong> पेज खोल्नुहोस्।
    <strong>जनभाषण सेटिङ</strong>मा &nbsp;<strong>भाषण थप्ने</strong> पेज खोल्नुहोस्
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
    Copy to clipboard

    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. <strong>जनभाषण सेटिङ</strong>को <strong>भाषण थप्ने</strong> पेज खोल्नुहोस्।
    <strong>जनभाषण सेटिङ</strong>को <strong>भाषण थप्ने</strong> पेज खोल्नुहोस्
    changed by Tomo .
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  2. <strong>जनभाषण सेटिङ</strong>को <strong>भाषण थप्ने</strong> पेज खोल्नुहोस्।
    <strong>जनभाषण सेटिङ</strong>को <strong>भाषण थप्ने</strong> पेज खोल्नुहोस्
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
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In Hebrew:

  1. פתח את הדף <strong> הוסף נושאים </strong> ב <strong> הגדרות הרצאות פומביים </strong>.
    פתח את הדף <strong> הוסף נושאים </strong> ב <strong> הגדרות הרצאות פומביים </strong>.
    changed by Michael .
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  2. פתח את הדף <strong> הוסף נושאים </strong> ב <strong> הגדרות הרצאות פומביים </strong>.
    פתח את הדף <strong> הוסף נושאים </strong> ב <strong> הגדרות הרצאות פומביים </strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
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    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. פתח את הדף; <strong> הוסף נאומים </strong> ב <strong> הגדרות הרצאות פומביים </strong>.
    פתח את הדף; <strong> הוסף נאומים </strong> ב <strong> הגדרות הרצאות פומביים </strong>.
    changed by Michael .
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  2. פתח את הדף; <strong> הוסף נאומים </strong> ב <strong> הגדרות הרצאות פומביים </strong>.
    פתח את הדף; <strong> הוסף נאומים </strong> ב <strong> הגדרות הרצאות פומביים </strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
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    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. פתח את הדף <strong> הוסף נאום </strong> ב <strong> הגדרות הרצאות פומביים</strong>.
    פתח את הדף <strong> הוסף נאום </strong> ב <strong> הגדרות הרצאות פומביים</strong>.
    changed by Michael .
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  2. פתח את הדף <strong> הוסף נאום </strong> ב <strong> הגדרות הרצאות פומביים</strong>.
    פתח את הדף <strong> הוסף נאום </strong> ב <strong> הגדרות הרצאות פומביים</strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
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    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

In Ukrainian, Ukraine:

  1. Відкрийте сторінку <strong> Додати теми </strong> в <strong> Налаштування публічних промов </strong>.
    Відкрийте сторінку <strong> Додати теми </strong> в <strong> Налаштування публічних промов </strong>.
    changed by Andrii Holizna .
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  2. Відкрийте сторінку <strong> Додати теми </strong> в <strong> Налаштування публічних промов </strong>.
    Відкрийте сторінку <strong> Додати теми </strong> в <strong> Налаштування публічних промов </strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
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    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. Відкрийте сторінку <strong> Додати промови </strong> в <strong> Налаштуваннях публічних промов </strong>.
    Відкрийте сторінку <strong> Додати промови </strong> в <strong> Налаштуваннях публічних промов </strong>.
    changed by Andrii Holizna .
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  2. Відкрийте сторінку <strong> Додати промови </strong> в <strong> Налаштуваннях публічних промов </strong>.
    Відкрийте сторінку <strong> Додати промови </strong> в <strong> Налаштуваннях публічних промов </strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
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    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  1. Відкрийте сторінку <strong> Додати промову </strong> в <strong> Налаштування публічних промов </strong>.
    Відкрийте сторінку <strong> Додати промову </strong> в <strong> Налаштування публічних промов </strong>.
    changed by Andrii Holizna .
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  2. Відкрийте сторінку <strong> Додати промову </strong> в <strong> Налаштування публічних промов </strong>.
    Відкрийте сторінку <strong> Додати промову </strong> в <strong> Налаштування публічних промов </strong>.
    changed by Stéphane HUC .
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    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

02 May from 11:01am to 11:47am