26 May from 1:57pm to 1:57pm
Modestino Guerriero changed 2 translations in Italian on TheocBase. Hide changes
  1. Interfaccia Utente
    Interfaccia Utente
    changed by Modestino Guerriero .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Interfaccia Utente
    Interfaccia Utente
    changed by Modestino Guerriero .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Interfaccia Utente
    Interfaccia Utente
    changed by Modestino Guerriero .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Interfaccia Utente
    Interfaccia Utente
    changed by Modestino Guerriero .
    Copy to clipboard
26 May from 1:57pm to 1:57pm