29 May from 8:11pm to 8:12pm
Modestino Guerriero changed 4 translations in Italian on TheocBase. Hide changes
  1. Here
    changed by Modestino Guerriero .
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  2. Here
    changed by Modestino Guerriero .
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  1. Here:
    changed by Modestino Guerriero .
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  2. Here:
    changed by Modestino Guerriero .
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  1. Here
    changed by Modestino Guerriero .
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  2. Here
    changed by Modestino Guerriero .
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  1. Inserisci l'ID app e il codice app accanto all'etichetta <strong> Here</strong>.
    Inserisci l'ID app e il codice app accanto all'etichetta <strong> Here</strong>.
    changed by Modestino Guerriero .
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  2. Inserisci l'ID app e il codice app accanto all'etichetta <strong> Here</strong>.
    Inserisci l'ID app e il codice app accanto all'etichetta <strong> Here</strong>.
    changed by Modestino Guerriero .
    Copy to clipboard
29 May from 8:11pm to 8:12pm