Date assigned
Date assigned
Date assigned -
Date completed
Date completed
Date completed -
Column to record the date on which each territory was last completed, when beginning a new S-13 sheet.
Last date completedLast date completed
Last date completed -
Service year -
Profil bäisetzen
Profil bäisetzen
Add profile -
Switch -
Enter new profile name
Enter new profile name
Enter new profile name -
TheocBase needs to be restarted. Click OK to continue.
TheocBase needs to be restarted. Click OK to continue.
TheocBase needs to be restarted. Click OK to continue. -
Duerch d'Läsche vun engem Profil ginn déi aktuell benotzten Datebank an d'Astellungsdateie geläscht. Dëst kann net réckgängeg gemaach ginn. Wëlls du dëse Profil wierklech komplett läschen?
Duerch d'Läsche vun engem Profil ginn déi aktuell benotzten Datebank an d'Astellungsdateie geläscht. Dëst kann net réckgängeg gemaach ginn. Wëlls du dëse Profil wierklech komplett läschen?
Deleting a profile will remove the current database and settings files. This option cannot be undone. Would you like to delete the profile data files? -
Ëffentleche Virtrag
Ëffentleche Virtrag
Public Talk -
Move to different week
Move to different week
Move to different week -
Send to To Do List
Send to To Do List
Send to To Do List -
Student Assignment
Student Assignment
Student Assignment -
Theme -
Watchtower Study
Watchtower Study
Watchtower Study -
The assigned person is no member of the congregation.
The assigned person is no member of the congregation.
The assigned person is no member of the congregation. -
Unassignable. Please check the publisher's settings.
Unassignable. Please check the publisher's settings.
Unassignable. Please check the publisher's settings. -
The assigned person is not available on this day.
The assigned person is not available on this day.
The assigned person is not available on this day. -
Assignment incomplete. Please assign an assistant.
Assignment incomplete. Please assign an assistant.
Assignment incomplete. Please assign an assistant. -
Assignment incomplete. Please assign a student.
Assignment incomplete. Please assign a student.
Assignment incomplete. Please assign a student.
Territory assignment