Territories are displayed by city, publisher, type or worked date [2] in the territory list box [1]. You can assign territories, display their boundaries and <a href="#find_territory_by_address">find territories by address</a>.
Territories are displayed by city, publisher, type or worked date [2] in the territory list box [1]. You can assign territories, display their boundaries and
<a href="#find_territory_by_address">
find territories by address</a>
.D'Gebitter ginn no Uertschaft, Verkënneger, Typ oder Datum [2] vun der leschter Beaarbechtung am Gebittslëschtefeld [1] ugewisen. Du kanns Gebitter zouweisen, d'Grenzen dovunner kucken a<a href="#find_territory_by_address">
Gebitter duerch eng Adress sichen. -
Territory Manager
Territory Manager
Gebittsmanager -
Take the following steps to start managing your territories:
Take the following steps to start managing your territories:
Féier follgend Schrëtt aus, fir mat der Verwaltung vu Gebitter unzefänken: -
In the <a href="settings_territories.html">settings</a> add the cities that belong to your congregation's territory and the types of territories and addresses you want to use.
In the
<a href="settings_territories.html">
add the cities that belong to your congregation's territory and the types of territories and addresses you want to use.An<a href="settings_territories.html">
kënnen d'Uertschaften déi zu dengem Versammlungsgebitt gehéiert souwéi den Typ vun de Gebitter an Adressen déi s du benotze wëlls. -
Edit the <a href="#edit_territory_attributes">territory attributes</a> of the selected territory [4].
Edit the
<a href="#edit_territory_attributes">
territory attributes</a>
of the selected territory [4].Beschaff d'<a href="#edit_territory_attributes">
vum ausgewielte Gebitt [4]. -
Territory Map
Territory Map
Gebittskaart -
Zoom to a Territory
Zoom to a Territory
Op ee Gebitt zoomen -
Double-click a territory in the territory list box.
Double-click a territory in the territory list box.
Duebelklick am Gebittslëschtefeld op ee Gebitt -
The map is refreshed and displays the full extent of the selected territory.
The map is refreshed and displays the full extent of the selected territory.
Zoom to the Full Extent of the Congregation's Territory
Zoom to the Full Extent of the Congregation's Territory
Press the <img src="../images/fullscreen_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" /> button
Press the
<img src="../images/fullscreen_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
buttonDréck den<img src="../images/fullscreen_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
Knäppchen. -
The map is refreshed and displays the full extent of the congregation's territory.
The map is refreshed and displays the full extent of the congregation's territory.
Show/Hide Territories
Show/Hide Territories
Gebitter uweisen/verstoppen -
The map is refreshed and displays the territories according to the current setting.
The map is refreshed and displays the territories according to the current setting.
Show/Hide Markers
Show/Hide Markers
Markéierungen uweisen/verstoppen -
The map is refreshed and displays the markers according to the current setting.
The map is refreshed and displays the markers according to the current setting.
Switch Map Edit Mode
Switch Map Edit Mode
Kaartebeschaffungsmodus ëmschalten -
It is possible to switch between viewing and editing the map contents.
It is possible to switch between viewing and editing the map contents.
Et ass méiglech, zwëschent Usicht a Beaarbechten vum Inhalt vu Kaarten ze wiesselen. -
Depending on the selected mode different functions are available.
Depending on the selected mode different functions are available.
Find Territory by Address
Find Territory by Address
Gebitt iwwert eng Adress sichen