

  1. Territories are searched by the assigned <strong>Name</strong> field. If no territory is found, a new territory will be created. If the <strong>Description</strong> field is assigned, the corresponding value will be saved.
    Territories are searched by the assigned <strong>Name</strong> field. If no territory is found, a new territory will be created. If the <strong>Description</strong> field is assigned, the corresponding value will be saved.

    Territories are searched by the assigned <strong>Name</strong> field. If no territory is found, a new territory will be created. If the <strong>Description</strong> field is assigned, the corresponding value will be saved.

    changed via the API .
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  2. Alueiden haku suoritetaan sille annetun <strong>Nimen</strong> perusteella. Jos aluetta ei löydy, luodaan uusi alue. Jos <strong>Kuvaus</strong> kenttä sisältää tietoa, vastaava arvo tallennetaan.
    Alueiden haku suoritetaan sille annetun <strong>Nimen</strong> perusteella. Jos aluetta ei löydy, luodaan uusi alue. Jos <strong>Kuvaus</strong> kenttä sisältää tietoa, vastaava arvo tallennetaan.
    changed by Juha Kalliola .
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