

  1. Classifications help you to quickly identify the most appropriate entries for a current selection, e.g. those who have been used for certain assignments less frequently or not recently. The range of values is divided into subranges, which are represented by unique symbols:
    Classifications help you to quickly identify the most appropriate entries for a current selection, e.g. those who have been used for certain assignments less frequently or not recently. The range of values is divided into subranges, which are represented by unique symbols:

    Classifications help you to quickly identify the most appropriate entries for a current selection, e.g. those who have been used for certain assignments less frequently or not recently. The range of values is divided into subranges, which are represented by unique symbols:

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  2. ืกื™ื•ื•ื’ื™ื ืขื•ื–ืจื™ื ืœืš ืœื–ื”ื•ืช ื‘ืžื”ื™ืจื•ืช ืืช ื”ืขืจื›ื™ื ื”ืžืชืื™ืžื™ื ื‘ื™ื•ืชืจ ืขื‘ื•ืจ ื‘ื—ื™ืจื” ื ื•ื›ื—ื™ืช, ืœืžืฉืœ ืืœื” ืฉื ืขืฉื” ื‘ื”ื ืฉื™ืžื•ืฉ ืขื‘ื•ืจ ืžืกื™ืžื•ืช ืžืกื•ื™ืžื•ืช ื‘ืชื“ื™ืจื•ืช ื ืžื•ื›ื” ื™ื•ืชืจ ืื• ืœื ืœืื—ืจื•ื ื”. ื˜ื•ื•ื— ื”ืขืจื›ื™ื ืžื—ื•ืœืง ืœืชืช-ื˜ื•ื•ื—ื™ื, ื”ืžื™ื•ืฆื’ื™ื ืขืœ ื™ื“ื™ ืกืžืœื™ื ื™ื™ื—ื•ื“ื™ื™ื:
    ืกื™ื•ื•ื’ื™ื ืขื•ื–ืจื™ื ืœืš ืœื–ื”ื•ืช ื‘ืžื”ื™ืจื•ืช ืืช ื”ืขืจื›ื™ื ื”ืžืชืื™ืžื™ื ื‘ื™ื•ืชืจ ืขื‘ื•ืจ ื‘ื—ื™ืจื” ื ื•ื›ื—ื™ืช, ืœืžืฉืœ ืืœื” ืฉื ืขืฉื” ื‘ื”ื ืฉื™ืžื•ืฉ ืขื‘ื•ืจ ืžืกื™ืžื•ืช ืžืกื•ื™ืžื•ืช ื‘ืชื“ื™ืจื•ืช ื ืžื•ื›ื” ื™ื•ืชืจ ืื• ืœื ืœืื—ืจื•ื ื”. ื˜ื•ื•ื— ื”ืขืจื›ื™ื ืžื—ื•ืœืง ืœืชืช-ื˜ื•ื•ื—ื™ื, ื”ืžื™ื•ืฆื’ื™ื ืขืœ ื™ื“ื™ ืกืžืœื™ื ื™ื™ื—ื•ื“ื™ื™ื:
    changed by Michael .
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  3. ืกื™ื•ื•ื’ื™ื ืขื•ื–ืจื™ื ืœืš ืœื–ื”ื•ืช ื‘ืžื”ื™ืจื•ืช ืืช ื”ืขืจื›ื™ื ื”ืžืชืื™ืžื™ื ื‘ื™ื•ืชืจ ืขื‘ื•ืจ ื‘ื—ื™ืจื” ื ื•ื›ื—ื™ืช, ืœืžืฉืœ ืืœื” ืฉื ืขืฉื” ื‘ื”ื ืฉื™ืžื•ืฉ ืขื‘ื•ืจ ืžืกื™ืžื•ืช ืžืกื•ื™ืžื•ืช ื‘ืชื“ื™ืจื•ืช ื ืžื•ื›ื” ื™ื•ืชืจ ืื• ืœื ืœืื—ืจื•ื ื”. ื˜ื•ื•ื— ื”ืขืจื›ื™ื ืžื—ื•ืœืง ืœืชืช-ื˜ื•ื•ื—ื™ื, ื”ืžื™ื•ืฆื’ื™ื ืขืœ ื™ื“ื™ ืกืžืœื™ื ื™ื™ื—ื•ื“ื™ื™ื:
    ืกื™ื•ื•ื’ื™ื ืขื•ื–ืจื™ื ืœืš ืœื–ื”ื•ืช ื‘ืžื”ื™ืจื•ืช ืืช ื”ืขืจื›ื™ื ื”ืžืชืื™ืžื™ื ื‘ื™ื•ืชืจ ืขื‘ื•ืจ ื‘ื—ื™ืจื” ื ื•ื›ื—ื™ืช, ืœืžืฉืœ ืืœื” ืฉื ืขืฉื” ื‘ื”ื ืฉื™ืžื•ืฉ ืขื‘ื•ืจ ืžืกื™ืžื•ืช ืžืกื•ื™ืžื•ืช ื‘ืชื“ื™ืจื•ืช ื ืžื•ื›ื” ื™ื•ืชืจ ืื• ืœื ืœืื—ืจื•ื ื”. ื˜ื•ื•ื— ื”ืขืจื›ื™ื ืžื—ื•ืœืง ืœืชืช-ื˜ื•ื•ื—ื™ื, ื”ืžื™ื•ืฆื’ื™ื ืขืœ ื™ื“ื™ ืกืžืœื™ื ื™ื™ื—ื•ื“ื™ื™ื:
    changed by Michael .
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