- en - English
- af - Afrikaans
- ak-GH - Akan, Ghana
- ar - Arabic
- ay - Aymara
- az-AZ - Azeri, Azerbaijan
- bg - Bulgarian
- bi - Bislama
- bnt-chich - Bantu Chichewa
- ceb - Cebuano
- cpe-011 - English-based Creole or Pidgin West African Pidgin
- cpf-gcf - French-based Creole or Pidgin Guadeloupean Creole
- cs - Czech
- da - Danish
- de - German
- de-LU - German, Luxembourg
- ee - Ewe
- el - Greek
- en - English
- en-BZ - English, Belize
- es - Spanish
- et - Estonian
- fi - Finnish
- fon - Fon
- fr - French
- gn - Guarani
- guw - Gun
- he - Hebrew
- hi - Hindi
- hr - Croatian
- ht - Haitian
- hu - Hungarian
- hy - Armenian
- id-ID - Indonesian, Indonesia
- ilo - Iloko
- it - Italian
- ka - Georgian
- ko - Korean
- ln - Lingala
- lt - Lithuanian
- lv-LV - Latvian, Latvia
- my-MM - Burmese, Myanmar [Burma]
- ne - Nepali
- nl - Dutch
- no - Norwegian Bokmål
- nv - Navajo
- pa - Punjabi
- pa-PK - Punjabi, Pakistan
- pl - Polish
- pt - Portuguese
- pt-BR - Portuguese, Brazil
- ro - Romanian
- rom-rm - Romany Macedonian
- ru - Russian
- sk - Slovak
- sl - Slovenian
- sm - Samoan
- sq - Albanian
- sr - Serbian
- sv - Swedish
- sw - Swahili
- ta - Tamil
- th-TH - Thai, Thailand
- tl - Tagalog
- tr-TR - Turkish, Turkey
- ts - Tsonga
- tw - Twi
- uk - Ukrainian
- ur - Urdu
- vi - Vietnamese
- xh - Xhosa
- zh - Chinese
- hr - Croatian
- hr - Croatian
- af - Afrikaans
- ar - Arabic
- gn - Guarani
- ko - Korean
- ln - Lingala
- da - Danish
- cpf-gcf - French-based Creole or Pidgin Guadeloupean Creole
- id-ID - Indonesian, Indonesia
- cs - Czech
- ka - Georgian
- tl - Tagalog
- bi - Bislama
- ceb - Cebuano
- ta - Tamil
- ay - Aymara
- ak-GH - Akan, Ghana
- xh - Xhosa
- nv - Navajo
- ilo - Iloko
- en-BZ - English, Belize
- tw - Twi
- vi - Vietnamese
- sw - Swahili
- bnt-chich - Bantu Chichewa
- rom-rm - Romany Macedonian
- th-TH - Thai, Thailand
- bg - Bulgarian
- my-MM - Burmese, Myanmar [Burma]
- lt - Lithuanian
- sm - Samoan
- ee - Ewe
- ur - Urdu
- pa - Punjabi
- pa-PK - Punjabi, Pakistan
- fr - French
- zh - Chinese
- hi - Hindi
- guw - Gun
- en - English
- sk - Slovak
- et - Estonian
- fi - Finnish
- pt-BR - Portuguese, Brazil
- fon - Fon
- hy - Armenian
- sr - Serbian
- no - Norwegian Bokmål
- pl - Polish
- sq - Albanian
- el - Greek
- hu - Hungarian
- sl - Slovenian
- pt - Portuguese
- it - Italian
- ru - Russian
- de - German
- tr-TR - Turkish, Turkey
- ts - Tsonga
- de-LU - German, Luxembourg
- lv-LV - Latvian, Latvia
- uk - Ukrainian
- cpe-011 - English-based Creole or Pidgin West African Pidgin
- nl - Dutch
- ro - Romanian
- sv - Swedish
- ht - Haitian
- ne - Nepali
- es - Spanish
- he - Hebrew
- az-AZ - Azeri, Azerbaijan
- File: docs/en/schedules.html
- any
- Not in a file
- docs/en/index.html
- docs/en/midweek_meeting.html
- docs/en/printing.html
- docs/en/printing_tags.html
- docs/en/printing_tags_meetings.html
- docs/en/printing_tags_mw_meeting.html
- docs/en/printing_tags_territories.html
- docs/en/printing_tags_we_meeting.html
- docs/en/schedules.html
- docs/en/schedules_general.html
- docs/en/settings.html
- docs/en/settings_access_control.html
- docs/en/settings_cloud_syncing.html
- docs/en/settings_mw_meeting.html
- docs/en/settings_public_talks.html
- docs/en/settings_songs.html
- docs/en/settings_territories.html
- docs/en/territories.html
- docs/en/territories_addresses.html
- docs/en/territories_assignments.html
- docs/en/territories_in_gis.html
- docs/en/territories_streets.html
- docs/en/territories_view_edit.html
- docs/en/user_interface.html
- docs/en/weekend_meeting.html
- docs/theocbase_en.po
- src/mobile/translations/theocbase_mobile_en.ts
- src/translations/theocbase_en.ts
- Category
- any
- none
- AssignmentDialog
- AssignmentPanel
- CBSDialog
- CBSPanel
- CBStudySchedule
- CalendarPopup
- ComboBoxTable
- CongregationMap
- Details
- DropboxSettings
- Exceptions
- HelpViewer
- LMMAssignmentDialog
- LMMAssignmentValidator
- LMMNotesDialog
- LMMNotesPanel
- LMMSchedule_Mobile
- LMMStudentAssignmentDialog
- LMM_Assignment
- LMM_AssignmentContoller
- LMM_Assignment_ex
- LMM_Meeting
- LMM_Schedule
- LMMeetingValidator
- LifeMinistryMeetingSchedule
- ListHeader
- Login
- LoginForm.ui
- LoginPage
- LookupControl
- LookupControlMoreMenu
- MWMeetingChairmanPanel
- MWMeetingModule
- MWMeetingPrayerPanel
- MainPage
- MainWindow
- MeetingNotes
- OutgoingSpeakerEdit
- OutgoingSpeakerValidator
- OutgoingSpeakers
- OutgoingSpeakersModel
- OutgoingSpeakersModule
- Permission
- PersonDetailFilterModel
- PersonDetailGroupByModel
- PersonsModel
- PrintCombination
- PrintDocument
- PrintMidweekSchedule
- PrintMidweekSlip
- PrintMidweekWorksheet
- PrintOptions
- PrintOutgoingSchedule
- PrintTalksOfSpeakersList
- PrintTemplates
- PrintTerritoryAssignmentRecord
- PrintTerritoryCard
- PrintTerritoryMapCard
- PrintWeekendSchedule
- PrintWeekendWorksheet
- ProfileManager
- PublicMeetingSchedule
- PublicMeetingSchedule_Mobile
- PublicTalkDetail
- PublicTalkDetailGroupByModel
- PublicTalkPanel
- PublicTalks
- PublisherDetail
- PublishersPage
- QDialogButtonBox
- QObject
- SchoolSchedule
- SelectionListPage
- Settings
- SettingsPage
- Sidebar
- SmtpClient
- SpecialEvents
- StartSliderPage1.ui
- StartSliderPage2.ui
- StartSliderPage3.ui
- StudentAssignmentDialog
- StudentAssignmentPanel
- SynchronizePage
- TerritoryAddAddressForm.ui
- TerritoryAddStreetForm.ui
- TerritoryAddressList
- TerritoryAddressListForm.ui
- TerritoryImportForm.ui
- TerritoryManagement
- TerritoryMap
- TerritoryMapForm.ui
- TerritoryMapMarker
- TerritoryStreetList
- TerritoryStreetListForm.ui
- TerritoryTreeModel
- TodoPanel
- TodoValidator
- ValidationTextInput
- WEMeetingChairmanPanel
- WEMeetingFinalTalkPanel
- WEMeetingModule
- WEMeetingSongAndPrayerPanel
- WEMeetingValidator
- WatchtowerSongPanel
- WatchtowerStudyPanel
- WebBrowser
- cPersonComboBox
- ccongregation
- checkupdates
- csync
- cterritories
- docs/theocbase_en.xml
- family
- googleMediator
- historytable
- http_report
- importlmmworkbook
- importwizard
- lmmWorksheetRegEx
- lmmtalktypeedit
- logindialog
- main
- personsui
- printui
- publicmeeting_controller
- publictalkedit
- reminders
- school
- school_detail
- schoolreminder
- schoolresult
- schoolui
- schoolview
- servicemeeting
- servicemeetingui
- sidePanelScripts
- speakersui
- startup
- study
- sync_cloud
- territorymanagement
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Edit the Schedules
Edit the Schedules
Import Schedules
Import Schedules
Assign meeting parts
Assign meeting parts
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Loading more segments…
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