

  1. Do you want to assign overlapping areas to the current territory? Select 'No' if overlapping areas should remain in their territories and to add only the part, that doesn't overlap other territories.

    Do you want to assign overlapping areas to the current territory? 
    Select 'No' if overlapping areas should remain in their territories and to add only the part, that doesn't overlap other territories.

    changed via the API .
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  2. Do you want to assign overlapping areas to the current territory? Select 'No' if overlapping areas should remain in their territories and to add only the part, that doesn't overlap other territories.
    Do you want to assign overlapping areas to the current territory? Select 'No' if overlapping areas should remain in their territories and to add only the part, that doesn't overlap other territories.

    Do you want to assign overlapping areas to the current territory? 
    Select 'No' if overlapping areas should remain in their territories and to add only the part, that doesn't overlap other territories.

    changed via the API .
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  3. Çakışan alanları mevcut bölgeye atamak istiyor musunuz? Çakışan alanların kendi bölgelerinde kalması gerekiyorsa ve yalnızca diğer bölgelerle örtüşmeyen kısmı eklemek için 'Hayır'ı seçin.
    Çakışan alanları mevcut bölgeye atamak istiyor musunuz? 
    Çakışan alanların kendi bölgelerinde kalması gerekiyorsa ve yalnızca diğer bölgelerle örtüşmeyen kısmı eklemek için 'Hayır'ı seçin.
    changed by Jonathan Martins .
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