
Discussion started , with 2 comments.
  1. Manuel Spanish Translator with all proofreading rights

    To what "talk" does this refer?
    - Sunday public talk
    - Talk in the "Field ministry"-part of the Life and Ministry meeting?
    - Talk in another part of the Life and Ministry meeting?
    Thank you for clarifying!

  2. (A deleted user)

    It is really just the word "Talk" (no public or anything else).
    It's being used for the tag !TALK! in schedules; can be used as a header or description, like in "Talk No. 123".

  3. Manuel Spanish Translator with all proofreading rights

    After thinking about it, "Discurso" seems the best translation for "Talk". And for the "Revision" I think we should go with "revisado" + [fecha] to indicate the last time a talk outline was revised.


  1. Talk
    changed by Juhani Matilainen .
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  2. Govor


    changed by Gborak .
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  3. Govor


    changed by Gborak .
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  4. Talk
    changed by Juhani Matilainen via a Batch Operation.
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