Trūksta adreso tipo numerio
Trūksta adreso tipo numerio
Number of address type is missing
Discussion started , with 2 comments.
No idea what this. Maybe context helps.
Apparently different address types will be defined. Each address type gets a number (like home address is no 1, business address is no 2 and postal address is no 3). This caption says the number is missing.
Yes, but the address types refer to those used in the territory address list (like 1 = "Do not call")
Number of address type is missingNumber of address type is missing
Trūksta adreso tipo numerioTrūksta adreso tipo numerio
Trūksta adreso tipo numerio
Trūksta adreso tipo numerioTrūksta adreso tipo numerio
Trūksta adreso tipo numerio
Number of address type is missingNumber of address type is missing
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