Backup ဖိုင် ရွေးပါ
Backup ဖိုင် ရွေးပါ
Select a backup file
Discussion started , with 2 comments.
Kas valida taastatav või taastatud fail?
Soome- ja ingliskeele tõlgetes väike erinevus.
Peaks programmi tundma, et teada mida arviti teeb selle käsu peale... -
I don't know what is said here before.... but is the file mentioned a "restore file" or a "file that has been restored"?
Here is really used the wrong term. This should be 'Select a backup file'.
Select restored fileSelect restored file
Select restored fileSelect restored file
Select a backup fileSelect a backup file
Select restored fileSelect restored file
Select a backup fileSelect a backup file
Select a backup fileSelect a backup file
Backup ဖိုင် ရွေးပါBackup ဖိုင် ရွေးပါ
Backup ဖိုင် ရွေးပါ
Backup ဖိုင် ရွေးပါBackup ဖိုင် ရွေးပါ
Backup ဖိုင် ရွေးပါ
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