- account, n. translated to felhasználói fiók: Voted up.
- application, n. translated to alkalmazás: Voted up.
- browser, n. translated to böngésző: Voted up.
- cancel, v. translated to mégse: Voted up.
- aspect, n. translated to aspektus: Voted up.
- comment, n. translated to hozzászólás: Voted up.
- like, v. translated to szeretni: Voted up.
- link, n. translated to hivatkozás: Voted up.
- password, n translated to jelszó: Voted up.
- conversation, n. translated to társalgás: Voted up.
- interface, n. translated to kezelőfelület: Voted up.
- pod, n translated to pod: Voted up.
- username, n. translated to felhasználónév: Voted up.
- user, n. translated to felhasználó: Voted up.
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