

  1. either going to their profile page or hovering your cursor over their name in the stream and waiting for a hovercard to appear;
    either going to their profile page or hovering your cursor over their name in the stream and waiting for a hovercard to appear;
    changed via the API .
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  2. either going to their profile page or hovering your cursor over their name in the stream and waiting for a hovercard to appear;
    either going to their profile page or hovering your cursor over their name in the stream and waiting for a hovercard to appear;
    changed by Jonne Haß via a Batch Operation.
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  3. óf na hul profiel bladsy te gaan, jou wyser oor die naam in die stroom te beweeg, en te wag vir 'n hangkaart te verskyn;
    óf na hul profiel bladsy te gaan, jou wyser oor die naam in die stroom te beweeg, en te wag vir 'n hangkaart te verskyn;

    óf na hul profiel bladsy te gaan, jou wyser oor die naam in die stroom te beweeg, en te wag vir 'n hangkaart te verskyn;

    changed by Dimig .
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