
Discussion started , with no comments.
  1. Dennis Schubert Manager

    Please help us translate this segment again! Since we moved from Loomio to Discourse, this segment changed its meaning, so please have a look at the translation in your language!


  1. the online collaborative tool we use to discuss and vote on proposals to improve diaspora*
    the online collaborative tool we use to discuss and vote on proposals to improve diaspora*
    changed via the API .
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  2. the online collaborative tool we use to discuss and vote on proposals to improve diaspora*
    the online collaborative tool we use to discuss and vote on proposals to improve diaspora*
    changed by Jonne Haß via a Batch Operation.
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  3. the platform we use to discuss about ideas and improvements for diaspora*
    the platform we use to discuss about ideas and improvements for diaspora*
    changed via the API .
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  4. the platform we use to discuss ideas and improvements for diaspora*
    the platform we use to discuss ideas and improvements for diaspora*
    changed via the API .
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  5. platforma, kterou používáme k diskusi o nápadech a zlepšeních pro diasporu*.
    platforma, kterou používáme k diskusi o nápadech a zlepšeních pro diasporu*.

    platforma, kterou používáme k diskusi o nápadech a zlepšeních pro diasporu*.

    changed by J. Podhorecky .
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