

  1. If you have conntected your diaspora* seed to your accounts on other services, clicking on one or more of the icons for those services below the publisher means your message will appear on those networks as well.
    If you have conntected your diaspora* seed to your accounts on other services, clicking on one or more of the icons for those services below the publisher means your message will appear on those networks as well.

    If you have conntected your diaspora* seed to your accounts on other services, clicking on one or more of the icons for those services below the publisher means your message will appear on those networks as well.

    changed via the API .
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  2. If you have conntected your diaspora* seed to your accounts on other services, clicking on one or more of the icons for those services below the publisher means your message will appear on those networks as well.
    If you have conntected your diaspora* seed to your accounts on other services, clicking on one or more of the icons for those services below the publisher means your message will appear on those networks as well.

    If you have conntected your diaspora* seed to your accounts on other services, clicking on one or more of the icons for those services below the publisher means your message will appear on those networks as well.

    changed by Jonne Haß via a Batch Operation.
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  3. As jy jou diaspora* saad aan jou rekeninge op ander dienste verbind het, deur te kliek op een of meer van die ikone vir die dienste onder die uitgewer sal jou boodskap op diegene netwerke ook verskyn.
    As jy jou diaspora* saad aan jou rekeninge op ander dienste verbind het, deur te kliek op een of meer van die ikone vir die dienste onder die uitgewer sal jou boodskap op diegene netwerke ook verskyn.
    changed by Dimig .
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