

  1. If there are no comments on a post yet, click <span class="click">Comment</span> to open a comment field. When there are already comments below the post, the comment field will automatically be there. If more than three comments have been added, the last three comments will be shown. You can expand the full thread by clicking
    If there are no comments on a post yet, click <span class="click">Comment</span> to open a comment field. When there are already comments below the post, the comment field will automatically be there. If more than three comments have been added, the last three comments will be shown. You can expand the full thread by clicking

    If there are no comments on a post yet, click <span class="click">Comment</span> to open a comment field. When there are already comments below the post, the comment field will automatically be there. If more than three comments have been added, the last three comments will be shown. You can expand the full thread by clicking 

    changed via the API .
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  2. If there are no comments on a post yet, click <span class="click">Comment</span> to open a comment field. When there are already comments below the post, the comment field will automatically be there. If more than three comments have been added, the last three comments will be shown. You can expand the full thread by clicking
    If there are no comments on a post yet, click <span class="click">Comment</span> to open a comment field. When there are already comments below the post, the comment field will automatically be there. If more than three comments have been added, the last three comments will be shown. You can expand the full thread by clicking

    If there are no comments on a post yet, click <span class="click">Comment</span> to open a comment field. When there are already comments below the post, the comment field will automatically be there. If more than three comments have been added, the last three comments will be shown. You can expand the full thread by clicking 

    changed by Jonne Haß via a Batch Operation.
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  3. As daar geen kommentare op 'n plasing is nie, kliek <span class="click">Kommentaar</span> om 'n komment kassie oop te maak. Wanneer daar reeds kommentaar onder die pos is, sal die kommentaar kassie outomaties daar wees. Indien meer as drie kommentare bygevoeg is, sal die laaste drie kommentare getoon word. Jy kan die volledige draad uitbrei deur op dit te kliek
    As daar geen kommentare op 'n plasing is nie, kliek <span class="click">Kommentaar</span> om 'n komment kassie oop te maak. Wanneer daar reeds kommentaar onder die pos is, sal die kommentaar kassie outomaties daar wees. Indien meer as drie kommentare bygevoeg is, sal die laaste drie kommentare getoon word. Jy kan die volledige draad uitbrei deur op dit te kliek 
    changed by Dimig .
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  4. If there are no comments on a post yet, click <span class="click">Comment</span> to open a comment field. When there are already comments below the post, the comment field will automatically be there. If more than three comments have been added, the last three comments will be shown. You can expand the full thread by clicking the <span class="click">Show n more comments</span> link above them.
    If there are no comments on a post yet, click <span class="click">Comment</span> to open a comment field. When there are already comments below the post, the comment field will automatically be there. If more than three comments have been added, the last three comments will be shown. You can expand the full thread by clicking the <span class="click">Show n more comments</span> link above them.

    If there are no comments on a post yet, click <span class="click">Comment</span> to open a comment field. When there are already comments below the post, the comment field will automatically be there. If more than three comments have been added, the last three comments will be shown. You can expand the full thread by clicking the <span class="click">Show n more comments</span> link above them.

    changed via the API .
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  5. As daar geen kommentare op 'n plasing is nie, kliek <span class="click">Kommentaar</span> om 'n komment kassie oop te maak. Wanneer daar reeds kommentaar onder die pos is, sal die kommentaar kassie outomaties daar wees. Indien meer as drie kommentare bygevoeg is, sal die laaste drie kommentare getoon word. Jy kan die volledige draad uitbrei deur op dit te kliek
    As daar geen kommentare op 'n plasing is nie, kliek <span class="click">Kommentaar</span> om 'n komment kassie oop te maak. Wanneer daar reeds kommentaar onder die pos is, sal die kommentaar kassie outomaties daar wees. Indien meer as drie kommentare bygevoeg is, sal die laaste drie kommentare getoon word. Jy kan die volledige draad uitbrei deur op dit te kliek 
    changed via the API .
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