

  1. If you want to connect your diaspora* seed to your Facebook account, clicking the link to do this can automate some of this process, such as pulling in your name and profile photo from your Facebook account.
    If you want to connect your diaspora* seed to your Facebook account, clicking the link to do this can automate some of this process, such as pulling in your name and profile photo from your Facebook account.

    If you want to connect your diaspora* seed to your Facebook account, clicking the link to do this can automate some of this process, such as pulling in your name and profile photo from your Facebook account.

    changed via the API .
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  2. If you want to connect your diaspora* seed to your Facebook account, clicking the link to do this can automate some of this process, such as pulling in your name and profile photo from your Facebook account.
    If you want to connect your diaspora* seed to your Facebook account, clicking the link to do this can automate some of this process, such as pulling in your name and profile photo from your Facebook account.

    If you want to connect your diaspora* seed to your Facebook account, clicking the link to do this can automate some of this process, such as pulling in your name and profile photo from your Facebook account.

    changed by Jonne Haß via a Batch Operation.
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  3. Add a few words about yourself. It might be things that interest you – perhaps music, activism – and perhaps the town you live in. These will be converted into <span class="click">#tags</span>, which help you find content and help other people to discover you. We’ll explain more about #tags later in this tutorial.
    Add a few words about yourself. It might be things that interest you – perhaps music, activism – and perhaps the town you live in. These will be converted into <span class="click">#tags</span>, which help you find content and help other people to discover you. We’ll explain more about #tags later in this tutorial.

    Add a few words about yourself. It might be things that interest youperhaps music, activismand perhaps the town you live in. These will be converted into <span class="click">#tags</span>, which help you find content and help other people to discover you. Well explain more about #tags later in this tutorial.

    changed via the API .
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  4. Přidejte pár slov o sobě. Mohou to být věci, které vás zajímají – třeba hudba, aktivismus – a možná i město, ve kterém žijete. Tyto budou převedeny na <span class="click">#tagy</span>, které vám pomohou najít obsah a pomohou ostatním objevit vás. Více o #tagech vysvětlíme později v tomto tutoriálu.
    Přidejte pár slov o sobě. Mohou to být věci, které vás zajímajítřeba hudba, aktivismusa možná i město, ve kterém žijete. Tyto budou převedeny na <span class="click">#tagy</span>, které vám pomohou najít obsah a pomohou ostatním objevit vás. Více o #tagech vysvětlíme později v tomto tutoriálu.
    changed by J. Podhorecky .
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