

  1. You’re now looking at an unfamiliar interface. (If you’re still on the profile edit page, click the asterisk logo or <span class="click">Stream</span> at the left-hand end of the black header bar.) Let’s have a quick look at the layout and start to get familiar with it.
    You’re now looking at an unfamiliar interface. (If you’re still on the profile edit page, click the asterisk logo or <span class="click">Stream</span> at the left-hand end of the black header bar.) Let’s have a quick look at the layout and start to get familiar with it.

    Youre now looking at an unfamiliar interface. (If youre still on the profile edit page, click the asterisk logo or <span class="click">Stream</span> at the left-hand end of the black header bar.) Lets have a quick look at the layout and start to get familiar with it.

    changed via the API .
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  2. You’re now looking at an unfamiliar interface. (If you’re still on the profile edit page, click the asterisk logo or <span class="click">Stream</span> at the left-hand end of the black header bar.) Let’s have a quick look at the layout and start to get familiar with it.
    You’re now looking at an unfamiliar interface. (If you’re still on the profile edit page, click the asterisk logo or <span class="click">Stream</span> at the left-hand end of the black header bar.) Let’s have a quick look at the layout and start to get familiar with it.

    Youre now looking at an unfamiliar interface. (If youre still on the profile edit page, click the asterisk logo or <span class="click">Stream</span> at the left-hand end of the black header bar.) Lets have a quick look at the layout and start to get familiar with it.

    changed by Jonne Haß via a Batch Operation.
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  3. You’re now looking at an interface that might be unfamiliar to you. (If you’re still on the edit profile page, click the pod name or <span class="click">Stream</span> at the left-hand end of the black header bar.) Let’s have a quick look at the layout and start to get familiar with it.
    You’re now looking at an interface that might be unfamiliar to you. (If you’re still on the edit profile page, click the pod name or <span class="click">Stream</span> at the left-hand end of the black header bar.) Let’s have a quick look at the layout and start to get familiar with it.

    Youre now looking at an interface that might be unfamiliar to you. (If youre still on the edit profile page, click the pod name or <span class="click">Stream</span> at the left-hand end of the black header bar.) Lets have a quick look at the layout and start to get familiar with it.

    changed via the API .
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  4. Nyní se díváte na rozhraní, které možná neznáte. (Pokud jste stále na stránce úprav profilu, klikněte na název podu nebo na <span class="click">Stream</span> na levém konci černé lišty záhlaví.) Pojďme se rychle podívat na rozložení a začít se s ním seznamovat.
    Nyní se díváte na rozhraní, které možná neznáte. (Pokud jste stále na stránce úprav profilu, klikněte na název podu nebo na <span class="click">Stream</span> na levém konci černé lišty záhlaví.) Pojďme se rychle podívat na rozložení a začít se s ním seznamovat.
    changed by J. Podhorecky .
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