

  1. diaspora* works in exactly the same way. You can place contacts into an “aspect” of your diaspora* seed based on which aspect of your life they are part of. In this way, you control which of your contacts sees each post you make to diaspora*, by posting to a particular aspect or aspects. We’ll explain more about what this means over the next three parts of this series.
    diaspora* works in exactly the same way. You can place contacts into an “aspect” of your diaspora* seed based on which aspect of your life they are part of. In this way, you control which of your contacts sees each post you make to diaspora*, by posting to a particular aspect or aspects. We’ll explain more about what this means over the next three parts of this series.

    diaspora* works in exactly the same way. You can place contacts into anaspectof your diaspora* seed based on which aspect of your life they are part of. In this way, you control which of your contacts sees each post you make to diaspora*, by posting to a particular aspect or aspects. Well explain more about what this means over the next three parts of this series.

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  2. diaspora* works in exactly the same way. You can place contacts into an “aspect” of your diaspora* seed based on which aspect of your life they are part of. In this way, you control which of your contacts sees each post you make to diaspora*, by posting to a particular aspect or aspects. We’ll explain more about what this means over the next three parts of this series.
    diaspora* works in exactly the same way. You can place contacts into an “aspect” of your diaspora* seed based on which aspect of your life they are part of. In this way, you control which of your contacts sees each post you make to diaspora*, by posting to a particular aspect or aspects. We’ll explain more about what this means over the next three parts of this series.

    diaspora* works in exactly the same way. You can place contacts into anaspectof your diaspora* seed based on which aspect of your life they are part of. In this way, you control which of your contacts sees each post you make to diaspora*, by posting to a particular aspect or aspects. Well explain more about what this means over the next three parts of this series.

    changed by Jonne Haß via a Batch Operation.
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  3. diaspora* works in exactly the same way. You place contacts into one or more “aspects” of your life on diaspora* based on which aspect(s) of your life they are part of. In this way, you control which of your contacts sees each post you make to diaspora*, by posting to a particular aspect or aspects. This means that you can easily share the right things with the right people. We’ll explain more about what posting to aspects means over the next three parts of this series.
    diaspora* works in exactly the same way. You place contacts into one or more “aspects” of your life on diaspora* based on which aspect(s) of your life they are part of. In this way, you control which of your contacts sees each post you make to diaspora*, by posting to a particular aspect or aspects. This means that you can easily share the right things with the right people. We’ll explain more about what posting to aspects means over the next three parts of this series.

    diaspora* works in exactly the same way. You place contacts into one or moreaspectsof your life on diaspora* based on which aspect(s) of your life they are part of. In this way, you control which of your contacts sees each post you make to diaspora*, by posting to a particular aspect or aspects. This means that you can easily share the right things with the right people. Well explain more about what posting to aspects means over the next three parts of this series.

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  4. diaspora* funguje úplně stejně. Kontakty umístíte do jednoho nebo více „aspektů“ svého života v diaspoře* podle toho, kterých aspektu(ů) vašeho života jsou součástí. Tímto způsobem můžete ovládat, který z vašich kontaktů uvidí každý váš příspěvek do diaspory*, a to tak, že zveřejníte příspěvek v konkrétním aspektu nebo aspektech. To znamená, že můžete snadno sdílet správné věci se správnými lidmi. Více o tom, co znamená odesílání do aspektů, vysvětlíme v následujících třech dílech této série.
    diaspora* funguje úplně stejně. Kontakty umístíte do jednoho nebo víceaspektůsvého života v diaspoře* podle toho, kterých aspektu(ů) vašeho života jsou součástí. Tímto způsobem můžete ovládat, který z vašich kontaktů uvidí každý váš příspěvek do diaspory*, a to tak, že zveřejníte příspěvek v konkrétním aspektu nebo aspektech. To znamená, že můžete snadno sdílet správné věci se správnými lidmi. Více o tom, co znamená odesílání do aspektů, vysvětlíme v následujících třech dílech této série.
    changed by J. Podhorecky .
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