Once the aspect has been created, you’ll be taken to a list of contacts in that aspect (which will be no one so far). There’s a link to “add contacts to Diaspora” (or whatever you have called your new aspect).
Choose a name for the new aspect. This might reflect the common connection between these people, perhaps “Creative writing,” “Football,” or “Activists,” but you can call it whatever you like. <strong>No one else will ever be able to see the names of your aspects, and your contacts will never know which aspect(s) they are in. That is your business alone.</strong>
Choose a name for the new aspect. This might reflect the common connection between these people, perhaps “Creative writing,” “Football,” or “Activists,” but you can call it whatever you like.
No one else will ever be able to see the names of your aspects, and your contacts will never know which aspect(s) they are in. That is your business alone.</strong>
Vyberte název pro nový aspekt. To by mohlo odrážet společné spojení mezi těmito lidmi, možná „kreativní psaní“, „fotbal“ nebo „aktivisté“, ale můžete tomu říkat, jak chcete.<strong>
Nikdo jiný nikdy neuvidí názvy vašich aspektů a vaše kontakty nikdy nebudou vědět, ve kterých aspektech (aspektu) se nacházejí. Je to pouze vaše věc.</strong>
Once the aspect has been created, you’ll be taken to a list of contacts in that aspect (which will be no one so far). There’s a link to “add contacts to Diaspora” (or whatever you have called your new aspect).Once the aspect has been created, you’ll be taken to a list of contacts in that aspect (which will be no one so far). There’s a link to “add contacts to Diaspora” (or whatever you have called your new aspect).
Once the aspect has been created, you’ll be taken to a list of contacts in that aspect (which will be no one so far). There’s a link to “add contacts to Diaspora” (or whatever you have called your new aspect).Once the aspect has been created, you’ll be taken to a list of contacts in that aspect (which will be no one so far). There’s a link to “add contacts to Diaspora” (or whatever you have called your new aspect).
Once the aspect has been created, you’ll be taken to a list of contacts in that aspect (which will be no one so far). There’s a link to “add contacts to Diaspora” (or whatever you have called your new aspect).
Choose a name for the new aspect. This might reflect the common connection between these people, perhaps “Creative writing,” “Football,” or “Activists,” but you can call it whatever you like. <strong>No one else will ever be able to see the names of your aspects, and your contacts will never know which aspect(s) they are in. That is your business alone.</strong>Choose a name for the new aspect. This might reflect the common connection between these people, perhaps “Creative writing,” “Football,” or “Activists,” but you can call it whatever you like. <strong>No one else will ever be able to see the names of your aspects, and your contacts will never know which aspect(s) they are in. That is your business alone.</strong>
Choose a name for the new aspect. This might reflect the common connection between these people, perhaps “Creative writing,” “Football,” or “Activists,” but you can call it whatever you like.
No one else will ever be able to see the names of your aspects, and your contacts will never know which aspect(s) they are in. That is your business alone.</strong>
Vyberte název pro nový aspekt. To by mohlo odrážet společné spojení mezi těmito lidmi, možná „kreativní psaní“, „fotbal“ nebo „aktivisté“, ale můžete tomu říkat, jak chcete. <strong>Nikdo jiný nikdy neuvidí názvy vašich aspektů a vaše kontakty nikdy nebudou vědět, ve kterých aspektech (aspektu) se nacházejí. Je to pouze vaše věc.</strong>Vyberte název pro nový aspekt. To by mohlo odrážet společné spojení mezi těmito lidmi, možná „kreativní psaní“, „fotbal“ nebo „aktivisté“, ale můžete tomu říkat, jak chcete.
Nikdo jiný nikdy neuvidí názvy vašich aspektů a vaše kontakty nikdy nebudou vědět, ve kterých aspektech (aspektu) se nacházejí. Je to pouze vaše věc.</strong>