

  1. The main thing to remember is that <span class="click">no one</span> will ever see a post unless you have made it public or have made it to an aspect into which you have manually placed that person.
    The main thing to remember is that <span class="click">no one</span> will ever see a post unless you have made it public or have made it to an aspect into which you have manually placed that person.

    The main thing to remember is that <span class="click">no one</span> will ever see a post unless you have made it public or have made it to an aspect into which you have manually placed that person.

    changed via the API .
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  2. The main thing to remember is that <span class="click">no one</span> will ever see a post unless you have made it public or have made it to an aspect into which you have manually placed that person.
    The main thing to remember is that <span class="click">no one</span> will ever see a post unless you have made it public or have made it to an aspect into which you have manually placed that person.

    The main thing to remember is that <span class="click">no one</span> will ever see a post unless you have made it public or have made it to an aspect into which you have manually placed that person.

    changed by Jonne Haß via a Batch Operation.
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  3. The main thing to remember is that <strong>no one</strong> will ever see a post unless you have made it public or have made it to an aspect into which you have manually placed that person.
    The main thing to remember is that <strong>no one</strong> will ever see a post unless you have made it public or have made it to an aspect into which you have manually placed that person.

    The main thing to remember is that <strong>no one</strong> will ever see a post unless you have made it public or have made it to an aspect into which you have manually placed that person.

    changed via the API .
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  4. Hlavní věc, kterou je třeba si zapamatovat, je, že <strong>nikdo</strong> nikdy neuvidí příspěvek, pokud jste ho nezveřejnili nebo ho nezadali do aspektu, do kterého jste danou osobu ručně zařadili.
    Hlavní věc, kterou je třeba si zapamatovat, je, že <strong>nikdo</strong> nikdy neuvidí příspěvek, pokud jste ho nezveřejnili nebo ho nezadali do aspektu, do kterého jste danou osobu ručně zařadili.
    changed by J. Podhorecky .
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