The above three options focus on connecting to people you already know. But sometimes strangers can be just as interesting, if not more interesting, than people you already know. A great way to start connecting with people is to start following some #tags of subjects that interest you. Posts containing those tags will then appear in your stream, and you can follow people who post things which you find interesting, by placing them into one of your aspects.
The above three options focus on connecting to people you already know. But sometimes strangers can be just as interesting, if not more interesting, than people you already know. A great way to start connecting with people is to start following some #tags of subjects that interest you. Posts containing those tags will then appear in your stream, and you can follow people who post things which you find interesting, by placing them into one of your aspects.
The above three options focus on connecting to people you already know. But sometimes strangers can be just as interesting, if not more interesting, than people you already know. A great way to start connecting with people is to start following some #tags of subjects that interest you. Posts containing those tags will then appear in your stream, and you can follow people who post things which you find interesting, by placing them into one of your aspects.
Výše uvedené tři možnosti se zaměřují na navazování kontaktů s lidmi, které již znáte. Někdy však mohou být cizí lidé stejně zajímaví, ne-li zajímavější, než lidé, které již znáte. Skvělým způsobem, jak se začít spojovat s lidmi, je začít sledovat některé #štítky s tématy, která vás zajímají. Příspěvky obsahující tyto štítky se pak budou objevovat ve vašem proudu a vy můžete sledovat lidi, kteří zveřejňují věci, které vás zajímají, tím, že je zařadíte do jednoho ze svých aspektů.
The above three options focus on connecting to people you already know. But sometimes strangers can be just as interesting, if not more interesting, than people you already know. A great way to start connecting with people is to start following some #tags of subjects that interest you. Posts containing those tags will then appear in your stream, and you can follow people who post things which you find interesting, by placing them into one of your aspects.The above three options focus on connecting to people you already know. But sometimes strangers can be just as interesting, if not more interesting, than people you already know. A great way to start connecting with people is to start following some #tags of subjects that interest you. Posts containing those tags will then appear in your stream, and you can follow people who post things which you find interesting, by placing them into one of your aspects.
The above three options focus on connecting to people you already know. But sometimes strangers can be just as interesting, if not more interesting, than people you already know. A great way to start connecting with people is to start following some #tags of subjects that interest you. Posts containing those tags will then appear in your stream, and you can follow people who post things which you find interesting, by placing them into one of your aspects.The above three options focus on connecting to people you already know. But sometimes strangers can be just as interesting, if not more interesting, than people you already know. A great way to start connecting with people is to start following some #tags of subjects that interest you. Posts containing those tags will then appear in your stream, and you can follow people who post things which you find interesting, by placing them into one of your aspects.
The above three options focus on connecting to people you already know. But sometimes strangers can be just as interesting, if not more interesting, than people you already know. A great way to start connecting with people is to start following some #tags of subjects that interest you. Posts containing those tags will then appear in your stream, and you can follow people who post things which you find interesting, by placing them into one of your aspects.
Výše uvedené tři možnosti se zaměřují na navazování kontaktů s lidmi, které již znáte. Někdy však mohou být cizí lidé stejně zajímaví, ne-li zajímavější, než lidé, které již znáte. Skvělým způsobem, jak se začít spojovat s lidmi, je začít sledovat některé #štítky s tématy, která vás zajímají. Příspěvky obsahující tyto štítky se pak budou objevovat ve vašem proudu a vy můžete sledovat lidi, kteří zveřejňují věci, které vás zajímají, tím, že je zařadíte do jednoho ze svých aspektů.Výše uvedené tři možnosti se zaměřují na navazování kontaktů s lidmi, které již znáte. Někdy však mohou být cizí lidé stejně zajímaví, ne-li zajímavější, než lidé, které již znáte. Skvělým způsobem, jak se začít spojovat s lidmi, je začít sledovat některé #štítky s tématy, která vás zajímají. Příspěvky obsahující tyto štítky se pak budou objevovat ve vašem proudu a vy můžete sledovat lidi, kteří zveřejňují věci, které vás zajímají, tím, že je zařadíte do jednoho ze svých aspektů.