

  1. To remove someone from your contacts completely and thereby stop sharing with them, all you need to do is to remove them from all aspects you have placed them in. You can do this by:
    To remove someone from your contacts completely and thereby stop sharing with them, all you need to do is to remove them from all aspects you have placed them in. You can do this by:

    To remove someone from your contacts completely and thereby stop sharing with them, all you need to do is to remove them from all aspects you have placed them in. You can do this by:

    changed via the API .
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  2. To remove someone from your contacts completely and thereby stop sharing with them, all you need to do is to remove them from all aspects you have placed them in. You can do this by:
    To remove someone from your contacts completely and thereby stop sharing with them, all you need to do is to remove them from all aspects you have placed them in. You can do this by:

    To remove someone from your contacts completely and thereby stop sharing with them, all you need to do is to remove them from all aspects you have placed them in. You can do this by:

    changed by Jonne Haß via a Batch Operation.
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  3. Chcete-li někoho úplně odstranit z kontaktů a přestat s ním sdílet, stačí ho odstranit ze všech aspektů, do kterých jste ho zařadili. To můžete provést takto:
    Chcete-li někoho úplně odstranit z kontaktů a přestat s ním sdílet, stačí ho odstranit ze všech aspektů, do kterých jste ho zařadili. To můžete provést takto:
    changed by J. Podhorecky .
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