Say you like cooking and you post a message with “#cooking” in it. Anyone who follows the #cooking tag will now see your post appear in their streams. Of course for any follower of #cooking to see your post, you’ll have had to make it a public post; if you made it only to one or more aspects, only people in those aspects will be able to read it. You can also search for “#cooking” in the search bar, and you’ll be presented with a list of all posts tagged with “#cooking.” That includes your own posts, posts by friends and public posts by other diasporans. You can see how this can be a fantastic tool for finding and sharing content with people who share your interests.
Say you like cooking and you post a message with “#cooking” in it. Anyone who follows the #cooking tag will now see your post appear in their streams. Of course for any follower of #cooking to see your post, you’ll have had to make it a public post; if you made it only to one or more aspects, only people in those aspects will be able to read it. You can also search for “#cooking” in the search bar, and you’ll be presented with a list of all posts tagged with “#cooking.” That includes your own posts, posts by friends and public posts by other diasporans. You can see how this can be a fantastic tool for finding and sharing content with people who share your interests.
Say you like cooking and you post a message with “#cooking” in it. Anyone who follows the #cooking tag will now see your post appear in their streams. Of course for any follower of #cooking to see your post, you’ll have had to make it a public post; if you made it only to one or more aspects, only people in those aspects will be able to read it. You can also search for “#cooking” in the search bar, and you’ll be presented with a list of all posts tagged with “#cooking.” That includes your own posts, posts by friends and public posts by other diasporans. You can see how this can be a fantastic tool for finding and sharing content with people who share your interests.
Řekněme, že rádi vaříte a napíšete zprávu se slovem „#cooking“. Každý, kdo sleduje značku #cooking, nyní uvidí váš příspěvek ve svých proudech. Aby váš příspěvek viděl každý, kdo sleduje #cooking, museli jste ho samozřejmě učinit veřejným; pokud jste ho učinili pouze pro jeden nebo více aspektů, budou si ho moci přečíst pouze lidé v těchto aspektech. Můžete také vyhledat „#cooking“ ve vyhledávacím řádku a zobrazí se vám seznam všech příspěvků označených „#cooking“. To zahrnuje vaše vlastní příspěvky, příspěvky přátel a veřejné příspěvky ostatních diaspor. Sami vidíte, že to může být fantastický nástroj pro vyhledávání a sdílení obsahu s lidmi, kteří mají stejné zájmy jako vy.
Say you like cooking and you post a message with “#cooking” in it. Anyone who follows the #cooking tag will now see your post appear in their streams. Of course for any follower of #cooking to see your post, you’ll have had to make it a public post; if you made it only to one or more aspects, only people in those aspects will be able to read it. You can also search for “#cooking” in the search bar, and you’ll be presented with a list of all posts tagged with “#cooking.” That includes your own posts, posts by friends and public posts by other diasporans. You can see how this can be a fantastic tool for finding and sharing content with people who share your interests.Say you like cooking and you post a message with “#cooking” in it. Anyone who follows the #cooking tag will now see your post appear in their streams. Of course for any follower of #cooking to see your post, you’ll have had to make it a public post; if you made it only to one or more aspects, only people in those aspects will be able to read it. You can also search for “#cooking” in the search bar, and you’ll be presented with a list of all posts tagged with “#cooking.” That includes your own posts, posts by friends and public posts by other diasporans. You can see how this can be a fantastic tool for finding and sharing content with people who share your interests.
Say you like cooking and you post a message with “#cooking” in it. Anyone who follows the #cooking tag will now see your post appear in their streams. Of course for any follower of #cooking to see your post, you’ll have had to make it a public post; if you made it only to one or more aspects, only people in those aspects will be able to read it. You can also search for “#cooking” in the search bar, and you’ll be presented with a list of all posts tagged with “#cooking.” That includes your own posts, posts by friends and public posts by other diasporans. You can see how this can be a fantastic tool for finding and sharing content with people who share your interests.Say you like cooking and you post a message with “#cooking” in it. Anyone who follows the #cooking tag will now see your post appear in their streams. Of course for any follower of #cooking to see your post, you’ll have had to make it a public post; if you made it only to one or more aspects, only people in those aspects will be able to read it. You can also search for “#cooking” in the search bar, and you’ll be presented with a list of all posts tagged with “#cooking.” That includes your own posts, posts by friends and public posts by other diasporans. You can see how this can be a fantastic tool for finding and sharing content with people who share your interests.
Say you like cooking and you post a message with “#cooking” in it. Anyone who follows the #cooking tag will now see your post appear in their streams. Of course for any follower of #cooking to see your post, you’ll have had to make it a public post; if you made it only to one or more aspects, only people in those aspects will be able to read it. You can also search for “#cooking” in the search bar, and you’ll be presented with a list of all posts tagged with “#cooking.” That includes your own posts, posts by friends and public posts by other diasporans. You can see how this can be a fantastic tool for finding and sharing content with people who share your interests.
Řekněme, že rádi vaříte a napíšete zprávu se slovem „#cooking“. Každý, kdo sleduje značku #cooking, nyní uvidí váš příspěvek ve svých proudech. Aby váš příspěvek viděl každý, kdo sleduje #cooking, museli jste ho samozřejmě učinit veřejným; pokud jste ho učinili pouze pro jeden nebo více aspektů, budou si ho moci přečíst pouze lidé v těchto aspektech. Můžete také vyhledat „#cooking“ ve vyhledávacím řádku a zobrazí se vám seznam všech příspěvků označených „#cooking“. To zahrnuje vaše vlastní příspěvky, příspěvky přátel a veřejné příspěvky ostatních diaspor. Sami vidíte, že to může být fantastický nástroj pro vyhledávání a sdílení obsahu s lidmi, kteří mají stejné zájmy jako vy.Řekněme, že rádi vaříte a napíšete zprávu se slovem „#cooking“. Každý, kdo sleduje značku #cooking, nyní uvidí váš příspěvek ve svých proudech. Aby váš příspěvek viděl každý, kdo sleduje #cooking, museli jste ho samozřejmě učinit veřejným; pokud jste ho učinili pouze pro jeden nebo více aspektů, budou si ho moci přečíst pouze lidé v těchto aspektech. Můžete také vyhledat „#cooking“ ve vyhledávacím řádku a zobrazí se vám seznam všech příspěvků označených „#cooking“. To zahrnuje vaše vlastní příspěvky, příspěvky přátel a veřejné příspěvky ostatních diaspor. Sami vidíte, že to může být fantastický nástroj pro vyhledávání a sdílení obsahu s lidmi, kteří mají stejné zájmy jako vy.