If your post might potentially cause offence or get someone into trouble for viewing it at work, please add the <span class="click">
(“not safe for work”) tag so that it will be hidden on people’s screens unless they choose to view it. We’ll cover this in %{part7_link}.
If your post might potentially cause offence or get someone into trouble for viewing it at work, please add the <span class="click">#nsfw</span> (“not safe for work”) tag so that it will be hidden on people’s screens unless they choose to view it. We’ll cover this in %{part_link}.
If your post might potentially cause offence or get someone into trouble for viewing it at work, please add the
<span class="click">
(“not safe for work”) tag so that it will be hidden on people’s screens unless they choose to view it. We’ll cover this in %{part_link}.Pokud by váš příspěvek mohl někoho urazit nebo přivést do potíží, protože si ho prohlíží v práci, přidejte prosím značku<span class=„click“>
(„není bezpečné pro práci“), aby se lidem na obrazovkách skryl, pokud si ho nezvolí zobrazit. Tomuto tématu se budeme věnovat v části %{part_link} .
If your post might potentially cause offence or get someone into trouble for viewing it at work, please add the <span class="click">#nsfw</span> (“not safe for work”) tag so that it will be hidden on people’s screens unless they choose to view it. We’ll cover this in %{part7_link}.If your post might potentially cause offence or get someone into trouble for viewing it at work, please add the <span class="click">#nsfw</span> (“not safe for work”) tag so that it will be hidden on people’s screens unless they choose to view it. We’ll cover this in %{part7_link}.
If your post might potentially cause offence or get someone into trouble for viewing it at work, please add the <span class="click">#nsfw</span> (“not safe for work”) tag so that it will be hidden on people’s screens unless they choose to view it. We’ll cover this in %{part7_link}.If your post might potentially cause offence or get someone into trouble for viewing it at work, please add the <span class="click">#nsfw</span> (“not safe for work”) tag so that it will be hidden on people’s screens unless they choose to view it. We’ll cover this in %{part7_link}.
If your post might potentially cause offence or get someone into trouble for viewing it at work, please add the
<span class="click">
(“not safe for work”) tag so that it will be hidden on people’s screens unless they choose to view it. We’ll cover this in %{part7_link}. -
If your post might potentially cause offence or get someone into trouble for viewing it at work, please add the <span class="click">#nsfw</span> (“not safe for work”) tag so that it will be hidden on people’s screens unless they choose to view it. We’ll cover this in %{part_link}.If your post might potentially cause offence or get someone into trouble for viewing it at work, please add the <span class="click">#nsfw</span> (“not safe for work”) tag so that it will be hidden on people’s screens unless they choose to view it. We’ll cover this in %{part_link}.
If your post might potentially cause offence or get someone into trouble for viewing it at work, please add the
<span class="click">
(“not safe for work”) tag so that it will be hidden on people’s screens unless they choose to view it. We’ll cover this in %{part_link}. -
Pokud by váš příspěvek mohl někoho urazit nebo přivést do potíží, protože si ho prohlíží v práci, přidejte prosím značku <span class=„click“>#nsfw</span> („není bezpečné pro práci“), aby se lidem na obrazovkách skryl, pokud si ho nezvolí zobrazit. Tomuto tématu se budeme věnovat v části %{part_link} .Pokud by váš příspěvek mohl někoho urazit nebo přivést do potíží, protože si ho prohlíží v práci, přidejte prosím značku
<span class=„click“>
(„není bezpečné pro práci“), aby se lidem na obrazovkách skryl, pokud si ho nezvolí zobrazit. Tomuto tématu se budeme věnovat v části %{part_link} .