

  1. You have now learned about the activity you will be performing most on diaspora*: posting status messages and commenting on and sharing those made by others. In the next part of this tutorial we will take a look at conversations: private messages shared with one or more contacts.
    You have now learned about the activity you will be performing most on diaspora*: posting status messages and commenting on and sharing those made by others. In the next part of this tutorial we will take a look at conversations: private messages shared with one or more contacts.

    You have now learned about the activity you will be performing most on diaspora*: posting status messages and commenting on and sharing those made by others. In the next part of this tutorial we will take a look at conversations: private messages shared with one or more contacts.

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  2. You have now learned about the activity you will be performing most on diaspora*: posting status messages and commenting on and sharing those made by others. In the next part of this tutorial we will take a look at conversations: private messages shared with one or more contacts.
    You have now learned about the activity you will be performing most on diaspora*: posting status messages and commenting on and sharing those made by others. In the next part of this tutorial we will take a look at conversations: private messages shared with one or more contacts.

    You have now learned about the activity you will be performing most on diaspora*: posting status messages and commenting on and sharing those made by others. In the next part of this tutorial we will take a look at conversations: private messages shared with one or more contacts.

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  3. You’ve now learned about the activity you’ll be spending most of your time in diaspora* doing: posting status messages and commenting on and sharing those made by others. In the next part of this tutorial we will take a look at “conversations:” private messages shared with one or more contacts.
    You’ve now learned about the activity you’ll be spending most of your time in diaspora* doing: posting status messages and commenting on and sharing those made by others. In the next part of this tutorial we will take a look at “conversations:” private messages shared with one or more contacts.

    Youve now learned about the activity youll be spending most of your time in diaspora* doing: posting status messages and commenting on and sharing those made by others. In the next part of this tutorial we will take a look atconversations:” private messages shared with one or more contacts.

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  4. You’ve now learned about the activity you’ll be spending most of your time in diaspora* doing: sharing your own content, and commenting on and resharing content shared by others. In the next part of this tutorial we will take a look at “conversations:” private messages shared with one or more contacts.
    You’ve now learned about the activity you’ll be spending most of your time in diaspora* doing: sharing your own content, and commenting on and resharing content shared by others. In the next part of this tutorial we will take a look at “conversations:” private messages shared with one or more contacts.

    Youve now learned about the activity youll be spending most of your time in diaspora* doing: sharing your own content, and commenting on and resharing content shared by others. In the next part of this tutorial we will take a look atconversations:” private messages shared with one or more contacts.

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  5. Nyní jste se dozvěděli o činnosti, kterou budete v diaspoře* trávit většinu času: sdílení vlastního obsahu a komentování a opětovné sdílení obsahu sdíleného ostatními. V další části tohoto kurzu se podíváme na „konverzace“: soukromé zprávy sdílené s jedním nebo více kontakty.
    Nyní jste se dozvěděli o činnosti, kterou budete v diaspoře* trávit většinu času: sdílení vlastního obsahu a komentování a opětovné sdílení obsahu sdíleného ostatními. V další části tohoto kurzu se podíváme nakonverzace“: soukromé zprávy sdílené s jedním nebo více kontakty.
    changed by J. Podhorecky .
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