

  1. It’s also possible to make numbered lists by placing “1.”, “2.”, etc. in front of the list items. To create a numbered list, the numbers must have periods/full stops after them.
    It’s also possible to make numbered lists by placing “1.”, “2.”, etc. in front of the list items. To create a numbered list, the numbers must have periods/full stops after them.

    Its also possible to make numbered lists by placing1.”, “2.”, etc. in front of the list items. To create a numbered list, the numbers must have periods/full stops after them.

    changed via the API .
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  2. It’s also possible to make numbered lists by placing “1.”, “2.”, etc. in front of the list items. To create a numbered list, the numbers must have periods/full stops after them.
    It’s also possible to make numbered lists by placing “1.”, “2.”, etc. in front of the list items. To create a numbered list, the numbers must have periods/full stops after them.

    Its also possible to make numbered lists by placing1.”, “2.”, etc. in front of the list items. To create a numbered list, the numbers must have periods/full stops after them.

    changed by Jonne Haß via a Batch Operation.
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  3. Je také možné vytvářet číslované seznamy tak, že před položky seznamu umístíte "1.", "2." apod. Chcete-li vytvořit číslovaný seznam, musí být za čísly tečky/úplné tečky.
    Je také možné vytvářet číslované seznamy tak, že před položky seznamu umístíte "1.", "2." apod. Chcete-li vytvořit číslovaný seznam, musí být za čísly tečky/úplné tečky.
    changed by J. Podhorecky .
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