Someone has placed you into one of their aspects, but you haven’t done likewise for them. You will get a notification that this person has “started sharing with you” but you won’t notice any other change.
Someone has placed you into one of their aspects, but you haven’t done likewise for them. You will get a notification that this person has “started sharing with you” but you won’t notice any other change.
Někdo vás zařadil do jednoho ze svých aspektů, ale vy jste to pro něj neudělali. Dostanete oznámení, že se s vámi tato osoba "začala dělit", ale žádnou jinou změnu nezaznamenáte. -
They will see your public posts in their stream, but none of your limited posts.
They will see your public posts in their stream, but none of your limited posts.
Ve svém proudu uvidí vaše veřejné příspěvky, ale žádné z vašich omezených příspěvků. -
There’s no way to tell which aspect someone else has placed you in, for privacy reasons – it’s their business which of their aspects they place each person in, so no one else can find out.
There’s no way to tell which aspect someone else has placed you in, for privacy reasons – it’s their business which of their aspects they place each person in, so no one else can find out.
Z důvodu ochrany osobních údajů nelze zjistit, do kterého aspektu vás někdo jiný zařadil - je to jeho věc, do kterého ze svých aspektů každou osobu zařadí, takže to nikdo jiný nemůže zjistit. -
Sledující -
You are sharing with a person who is not sharing with you. This means that you have added them to one (or more) of your aspects, but they have not added you to their aspects.
You are sharing with a person who is not sharing with you. This means that you have added them to one (or more) of your aspects, but they have not added you to their aspects.
Sdílíte se s osobou, která se s vámi nesdílí. To znamená, že jste si ji přidali k jednomu (nebo více) ze svých aspektů, ale ona si vás nepřidala ke svým aspektům. -
The person you are following will have access to posts you have made to the aspect(s) you have placed them in as well as your public posts, and you will start receiving their public posts in your stream.
The person you are following will have access to posts you have made to the aspect(s) you have placed them in as well as your public posts, and you will start receiving their public posts in your stream.
Osoba, kterou sledujete, bude mít přístup k příspěvkům, které jste vložili do aspektu (aspektů), do nichž jste ji zařadili, a také k vašim veřejným příspěvkům a vy začnete dostávat její veřejné příspěvky do svého proudu. -
Mutual sharing
Mutual sharing
Oboustranně sdílející -
If two of you have started sharing with each other, things get more interesting, and more complicated! This can be compared to being “friends” on Facebook, although there are important differences.
If two of you have started sharing with each other, things get more interesting, and more complicated! This can be compared to being “friends” on Facebook, although there are important differences.
Pokud se dva z vás začali dělit, je to ještě zajímavější a komplikovanější! Lze to přirovnat k "přátelství" na Facebooku, i když jsou zde důležité rozdíly. -
When there’s a mutual connection, the two of you have each indicated a desire to see posts from the other, so each of you will see limited posts made by the other person to the aspect(s) into which the other has placed you. However, your sharing with each other might be very different. Think of the following scenario:
When there’s a mutual connection, the two of you have each indicated a desire to see posts from the other, so each of you will see limited posts made by the other person to the aspect(s) into which the other has placed you. However, your sharing with each other might be very different. Think of the following scenario:
Pokud existuje vzájemné spojení, každý z vás vyjádřil přání vidět příspěvky toho druhého, takže každý z vás uvidí omezené příspěvky té druhé osoby k aspektu (aspektům), do kterého vás ten druhý zařadil. Vaše vzájemné sdílení však může být velmi odlišné. Představte si následující scénář: -
You consider Jill a slight acquaintance, and put her in your “Acquaintances” aspect.
You consider Jill a slight acquaintance, and put her in your “Acquaintances” aspect.
Považuješ Jill za lehkou známost a zařadíš ji do svého aspektu "Známí". -
Jill, however, thinks of you one of her best friends, and puts you in her “Close friends” aspect.
Jill, however, thinks of you one of her best friends, and puts you in her “Close friends” aspect.
Jill tě však považuje za jednu ze svých nejlepších kamarádek a řadí tě mezi své blízké přátele. -
You post most things only to your “Friends” or “Family” aspects, so Jill doesn’t see many of your posts.
You post most things only to your “Friends” or “Family” aspects, so Jill doesn’t see many of your posts.
Většinu příspěvků zveřejňujete pouze pro aspekty "Přátelé" nebo "Rodina", takže Jill mnoho vašich příspěvků nevidí. -
Because you’re in Jill’s “Close friends” aspect, on the other hand, you see almost everything she posts.
Because you’re in Jill’s “Close friends” aspect, on the other hand, you see almost everything she posts.
Protože jste v Jillině aspektu "Blízcí přátelé", vidíte téměř vše, co zveřejní. -
The main thing to remember is that <strong>no one</strong> will ever see a post unless you have made it public or have made it to an aspect into which you have manually placed that person.
The main thing to remember is that
no one</strong>
will ever see a post unless you have made it public or have made it to an aspect into which you have manually placed that person.Hlavní věc, kterou je třeba si zapamatovat, je, že<strong>
nikdy neuvidí příspěvek, pokud jste ho nezveřejnili nebo ho nezadali do aspektu, do kterého jste danou osobu ručně zařadili. -
Finding people
Finding people
Hledat lidi -
In order to start sharing with people, you will have to start following some people. Perhaps they will follow you back! Let’s look at how to do that now.
In order to start sharing with people, you will have to start following some people. Perhaps they will follow you back! Let’s look at how to do that now.
Abyste mohli začít sdílet s lidmi, musíte začít některé lidi sledovat. Možná vás budou následovat zpět! Podívejme se nyní na to, jak to udělat. -
There are several ways to find someone and add them to an aspect.
There are several ways to find someone and add them to an aspect.
Existuje několik způsobů, jak někoho najít a přidat do aspektu. -
Hledat -
The search field is in the header bar. To add someone by search:
The search field is in the header bar. To add someone by search:
Vyhledávací pole se nachází v panelu záhlaví. Chcete-li někoho přidat pomocí vyhledávání: -
Type a name or diaspora* ID. Suggestions will appear as you start typing.
Type a name or diaspora* ID. Suggestions will appear as you start typing.
Zadejte jméno nebo ID diaspory*. Návrhy se zobrazí, jakmile začnete psát.