

  1. You now know how to start sharing with people, and hopefully you’ve been able to add some contacts. You’ll now start seeing content from them in your stream; and once people have started sharing with you, you’ll have an audience for your posts. <strong>It’s time to start publishing some content.</strong>
    You now know how to start sharing with people, and hopefully you’ve been able to add some contacts. You’ll now start seeing content from them in your stream; and once people have started sharing with you, you’ll have an audience for your posts. <strong>It’s time to start publishing some content.</strong>

    You now know how to start sharing with people, and hopefully youve been able to add some contacts. Youll now start seeing content from them in your stream; and once people have started sharing with you, youll have an audience for your posts. <strong>Its time to start publishing some content.</strong>

    changed via the API .
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  2. You now know how to start sharing with people, and hopefully you’ve been able to add some contacts. You’ll now start seeing content from them in your stream; and once people have started sharing with you, you’ll have an audience for your posts. <strong>It’s time to start publishing some content.</strong>
    You now know how to start sharing with people, and hopefully you’ve been able to add some contacts. You’ll now start seeing content from them in your stream; and once people have started sharing with you, you’ll have an audience for your posts. <strong>It’s time to start publishing some content.</strong>

    You now know how to start sharing with people, and hopefully youve been able to add some contacts. Youll now start seeing content from them in your stream; and once people have started sharing with you, youll have an audience for your posts. <strong>Its time to start publishing some content.</strong>

    changed by Jonne Haß via a Batch Operation.
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  3. Tani dini si të filloni të ndani gjëra me njerëzit dhe, me shpresë, edhe në gjendje për të shtuar disa kontakte. Tani e tutje te rrjedha juaj do të të filloni të shihni lëndë prej tyre; dhe pasi njerëzit të kenë filluar të ndajnë gjëra me ju, do të keni një publik për postimet tuaja. <strong>Erdhi koha të filloni të botoni ca lëndë.</strong>
    Tani dini si filloni ndani gjëra me njerëzit dhe, me shpresë, edhe gjendje për shtuar disa kontakte. Tani e tutje te rrjedha juaj do filloni shihni lëndë prej tyre; dhe pasi njerëzit kenë filluar ndajnë gjëra me ju, do keni një publik për postimet tuaja. <strong>Erdhi koha filloni botoni ca lëndë.</strong>
    changed by Besnik Bleta .
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