Sharing content in diaspora* is done via the publisher, which is located at the top of the middle column on most pages in the diaspora* interface. You have probably already clicked it, and if you did you probably weren’t able to resist posting something! Posting a status message is as simple as can be. A bit later in this tutorial we’ll look at some of the more complex things you can do with the publisher, but let’s start with an introduction.
Sharing content in diaspora* is done via the publisher, which is located at the top of the middle column on most pages in the diaspora* interface. You have probably already clicked it, and if you did you probably weren’t able to resist posting something! Posting a status message is as simple as can be. A bit later in this tutorial we’ll look at some of the more complex things you can do with the publisher, but let’s start with an introduction.
Sharing content in diaspora* is done via the publisher, which is located at the top of the middle column on most pages in the diaspora* interface. You have probably already clicked it, and if you did you probably weren’t able to resist posting something! Posting a status message is as simple as can be. A bit later in this tutorial we’ll look at some of the more complex things you can do with the publisher, but let’s start with an introduction.
Ndarja e lëndë me të tjerët, në diaspora* kryhet përmes botuesit, që gjendet në krye të shtyllës së mesit në shumicën e faqeve të ndërfaqes së diaspora*-s. Ndoshta keni klikuar tashmë në të, dhe nëse po, ka gjasa që të mos i keni rezistuar tundimit për të postuar diçka! Postimi i një mesazhi gjendjeje është i thjeshtë sa s’ka. Pak më vonë në këtë përkujdesore, do të hedhim një vështrim në disa gjëra më të ndërlikuara që mund të bëni me botuesin, por le t’ia fillojmë me një hyrje.
Sharing content in diaspora* is done via the publisher, which is located at the top of the middle column on most pages in the diaspora* interface. You have probably already clicked it, and if you did you probably weren’t able to resist posting something! Posting a status message is as simple as can be. A bit later in this tutorial we’ll look at some of the more complex things you can do with the publisher, but let’s start with an introduction.Sharing content in diaspora* is done via the publisher, which is located at the top of the middle column on most pages in the diaspora* interface. You have probably already clicked it, and if you did you probably weren’t able to resist posting something! Posting a status message is as simple as can be. A bit later in this tutorial we’ll look at some of the more complex things you can do with the publisher, but let’s start with an introduction.
Sharing content in diaspora* is done via the publisher, which is located at the top of the middle column on most pages in the diaspora* interface. You have probably already clicked it, and if you did you probably weren’t able to resist posting something! Posting a status message is as simple as can be. A bit later in this tutorial we’ll look at some of the more complex things you can do with the publisher, but let’s start with an introduction.Sharing content in diaspora* is done via the publisher, which is located at the top of the middle column on most pages in the diaspora* interface. You have probably already clicked it, and if you did you probably weren’t able to resist posting something! Posting a status message is as simple as can be. A bit later in this tutorial we’ll look at some of the more complex things you can do with the publisher, but let’s start with an introduction.
Sharing content in diaspora* is done via the publisher, which is located at the top of the middle column on most pages in the diaspora* interface. You have probably already clicked it, and if you did you probably weren’t able to resist posting something! Posting a status message is as simple as can be. A bit later in this tutorial we’ll look at some of the more complex things you can do with the publisher, but let’s start with an introduction.
Ndarja e lëndë me të tjerët, në diaspora* kryhet përmes botuesit, që gjendet në krye të shtyllës së mesit në shumicën e faqeve të ndërfaqes së diaspora*-s. Ndoshta keni klikuar tashmë në të, dhe nëse po, ka gjasa që të mos i keni rezistuar tundimit për të postuar diçka! Postimi i një mesazhi gjendjeje është i thjeshtë sa s’ka. Pak më vonë në këtë përkujdesore, do të hedhim një vështrim në disa gjëra më të ndërlikuara që mund të bëni me botuesin, por le t’ia fillojmë me një hyrje.Ndarja e lëndë me të tjerët, në diaspora* kryhet përmes botuesit, që gjendet në krye të shtyllës së mesit në shumicën e faqeve të ndërfaqes së diaspora*-s. Ndoshta keni klikuar tashmë në të, dhe nëse po, ka gjasa që të mos i keni rezistuar tundimit për të postuar diçka! Postimi i një mesazhi gjendjeje është i thjeshtë sa s’ka. Pak më vonë në këtë përkujdesore, do të hedhim një vështrim në disa gjëra më të ndërlikuara që mund të bëni me botuesin, por le t’ia fillojmë me një hyrje.