

  1. Unlike most social networking sites, which have a central hub of computers which store everyone’s data, we can’t give you one specific link and say: sign up here. diaspora* is different from those networks in that it is <em>decentralized</em>, with many different points of access. Before getting started, you’ll have to decide which diaspora* provider you want to sign up to. We call these providers “pods.”
    Unlike most social networking sites, which have a central hub of computers which store everyones data, we cant give you one specific link and say: sign up here. diaspora* is different from those networks in that it is <em>decentralized</em>, with many different points of access. Before getting started, youll have to decide which diaspora* provider you want to sign up to. We call these providerspods.”
    changed via the API .
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  2. Unlike most social networking sites, which have a central hub of computers which store everyone’s data, we can’t give you one specific link and say: sign up here. diaspora* is different from those networks in that it is <em>decentralized</em>, with many different points of access. Before getting started, you’ll have to decide which diaspora* provider you want to sign up to. We call these providers “pods.”
    Unlike most social networking sites, which have a central hub of computers which store everyones data, we cant give you one specific link and say: sign up here. diaspora* is different from those networks in that it is <em>decentralized</em>, with many different points of access. Before getting started, youll have to decide which diaspora* provider you want to sign up to. We call these providerspods.”
    changed by Jonne Haß via a Batch Operation.
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  3. Unlike most social networking sites, which have a central hub of computers which store everyone’s data, we can’t give you one specific link and say: “Sign up here.” diaspora* is different from those networks in that it is <em>decentralized</em>, with many different points of access. Before getting started, you’ll have to decide which of these points, or nodes, you want to use to access the diaspora* network. We call these nodes “pods.”
    Unlike most social networking sites, which have a central hub of computers which store everyones data, we cant give you one specific link and say: “Sign up here.” diaspora* is different from those networks in that it is <em>decentralized</em>, with many different points of access. Before getting started, you’ll have to decide which of these points, or nodes, you want to use to access the diaspora* network. We call these nodes “pods.”
    changed via the API .
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