

  1. It’s now time to add some contacts to the “Diaspora” aspect you just created. If you already know people who are using diaspora*, you can find them and add them to any aspect you like.
    Its now time to add some contacts to theDiasporaaspect you just created. If you already know people who are using diaspora*, you can find them and add them to any aspect you like.
    changed via the API .
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  2. It’s now time to add some contacts to the “Diaspora” aspect you just created. If you already know people who are using diaspora*, you can find them and add them to any aspect you like.
    Its now time to add some contacts to theDiasporaaspect you just created. If you already know people who are using diaspora*, you can find them and add them to any aspect you like.
    changed by Jonne Haß via a Batch Operation.
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  3. Erdhi koha të shtojmë disa kontakte te aspekti “Diaspora” që sapo krijuat. Nëse njihni tashmë persona që përdorin diaspora*-n, mund t’i shtoni te cilido aspekt që doni.
    Erdhi koha të shtojmë disa kontakte te aspekti “Diaspora” që sapo krijuat. Nëse njihni tashmë persona që përdorin diaspora*-n, mund t’i shtoni te cilido aspekt që doni.

    Erdhi koha shtojmë disa kontakte te aspektiDiaspora sapo krijuat. Nëse njihni tashmë persona përdorin diaspora*-n, mund ti shtoni te cilido aspekt doni.

    changed by Besnik Bleta .
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