

  1. Note that the video/audio will only become embedded <em>after</em> you have posted your message, so you’ll have to refresh/reload the stream in order to see it. Occasionally it takes a while for the site which hosts the file you want to embed to respond with the embed information, so you might have to wait a short while and refresh the stream again.
    Note that the video/audio will only become embedded <em>after</em> you have posted your message, so youll have to refresh/reload the stream in order to see it. Occasionally it takes a while for the site which hosts the file you want to embed to respond with the embed information, so you might have to wait a short while and refresh the stream again.
    changed via the API .
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  2. Note that the video/audio will only become embedded <em>after</em> you have posted your message, so you’ll have to refresh/reload the stream in order to see it. Occasionally it takes a while for the site which hosts the file you want to embed to respond with the embed information, so you might have to wait a short while and refresh the stream again.
    Note that the video/audio will only become embedded <em>after</em> you have posted your message, so youll have to refresh/reload the stream in order to see it. Occasionally it takes a while for the site which hosts the file you want to embed to respond with the embed information, so you might have to wait a short while and refresh the stream again.
    changed by Jonne Haß via a Batch Operation.
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  3. Kini parasysh që videoja/audioja do të trupëzohet vetëm <em>pasi</em> ta keni postuar mesazhin tuaj, ndaj do t’ju duhet të rifreskoni/ringarkoni rrjedhën, pa të mund ta shihni. Me raste, mund të dojë ca kohë që sajti që strehon kartelën që doni të trupëzoni të përgjigjet me të dhënat e trupëzimit, ndaj mund t’ju duhet të pritni pak dhe të rifreskoni rrjedhën sërish.
    Kini parasysh që videoja/audioja do të trupëzohet vetëm <em>pasi</em> ta keni postuar mesazhin tuaj, ndaj do t’ju duhet të rifreskoni/ringarkoni rrjedhën, pa të mund ta shihni. Me raste, mund të dojë ca kohë që sajti që strehon kartelën që doni të trupëzoni të përgjigjet me të dhënat e trupëzimit, ndaj mund t’ju duhet të pritni pak dhe të rifreskoni rrjedhën sërish.

    Kini parasysh videoja/audioja do trupëzohet vetëm <em>pasi</em> ta keni postuar mesazhin tuaj, ndaj do tju duhet rifreskoni/ringarkoni rrjedhën, pa mund ta shihni. Me raste, mund dojë ca kohë sajti strehon kartelën doni trupëzoni përgjigjet me dhënat e trupëzimit, ndaj mund tju duhet pritni pak dhe rifreskoni rrjedhën sërish.

    changed by Besnik Bleta .
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