

  1. By leaving this box unchecked, you are committing yourself not to post any material which could potentially cause offence or get someone into trouble for viewing it at work. If, on the other hand, you might want to post such material only occasionally, you could leave this box unchecked and add the <span class="click">#nsfw</span> tag to those individual posts, which will hide them from other people’s streams.
    By leaving this box unchecked, you are committing yourself not to post any material which could potentially cause offence or get someone into trouble for viewing it at work. If, on the other hand, you might want to post such material only occasionally, you could leave this box unchecked and add the <span class="click">#nsfw</span> tag to those individual posts, which will hide them from other peoples streams.
    changed via the API .
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  2. 如果你沒有勾選上班時不宜,表示你保證不會貼一些可能會冒犯到人家、或是在辦公室看會招惹麻煩的題材。不過如果你只是偶爾會貼這類題材的話,你也可以不要勾,但是在發表這種貼文的時候加上 <span class="click">#nsfw</span> 的標籤,那篇貼文的內容也一樣會在別人的流水帳不顯示。
    如果你沒有勾選上班時不宜,表示你保證不會貼一些可能會冒犯到人家、或是在辦公室看會招惹麻煩的題材。不過如果你只是偶爾會貼這類題材的話,你也可以不要勾,但是在發表這種貼文的時候加上 <span class="click">#nsfw</span> 的標籤,那篇貼文的內容也一樣會在別人的流水帳不顯示。

    如果你沒有勾選上班時不宜表示你保證不會貼一些可能會冒犯到人家或是在辦公室看會招惹麻煩的題材不過如果你只是偶爾會貼這類題材的話你也可以不要勾但是在發表這種貼文的時候加上 <span class="click">#nsfw</span> 的標籤那篇貼文的內容也一樣會在別人的流水帳不顯示

    changed by Yongjhen, Hong .
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