

  1. On the settings page you can also enable the “community spotlight,” if this feature is available on your pod. The “community spotlight” adds posts to your stream from community members who your pod’s admin has selected as being people worth reading. It can be a good way to find people to connect with when you first join diaspora*.
    On the settings page you can also enable thecommunity spotlight,” if this feature is available on your pod. Thecommunity spotlightadds posts to your stream from community members who your pods admin has selected as being people worth reading. It can be a good way to find people to connect with when you first join diaspora*.
    changed via the API .
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  2. 你可以在流水帳設定打開「社群焦點人物」,前提是你所在的豆莢有提供這個功能。「社群焦點人物」是你的莢主認為他們的貼文值得大家都看的人,你第一次用 diaspora* 的時候,也可能是找到人建立聯繫的好途徑。
    你可以在流水帳設定打開「社群焦點人物」,前提是你所在的豆莢有提供這個功能。「社群焦點人物」是你的莢主認為他們的貼文值得大家都看的人,你第一次用 diaspora* 的時候,也可能是找到人建立聯繫的好途徑。

    你可以在流水帳設定打開社群焦點人物」,前提是你所在的豆莢有提供這個功能。「社群焦點人物是你的莢主認為他們的貼文值得大家都看的人你第一次用 diaspora* 的時候也可能是找到人建立聯繫的好途徑

    changed by Yongjhen, Hong .
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