

  1. When typing a name into the “to” line, the name will be auto-completed, just like when you mention someone. Click the name of the person you want to contact, add a subject in the subject line, type your message and off you go! It is that simple. You can also use text formatting here, so feel free to add bold titles and big headers in your message.
    When typing a name into thetoline, the name will be auto-completed, just like when you mention someone. Click the name of the person you want to contact, add a subject in the subject line, type your message and off you go! It is that simple. You can also use text formatting here, so feel free to add bold titles and big headers in your message.
    changed via the API .
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  2. When typing a name into the “to” line, the name will be auto-completed, just like when you mention someone. Click the name of the person you want to contact, add a subject in the subject line, type your message and off you go! It is that simple. You can also use text formatting here, so feel free to add bold titles and big headers in your message.
    When typing a name into thetoline, the name will be auto-completed, just like when you mention someone. Click the name of the person you want to contact, add a subject in the subject line, type your message and off you go! It is that simple. You can also use text formatting here, so feel free to add bold titles and big headers in your message.
    changed by Jonne Haß via a Batch Operation.
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  3. When typing a name into the “to” line, the name will be auto-completed, just like when you @mention someone in a post or comment. Click the name of the person you want to contact, add a subject in the subject line, type your message and off you go! It is that simple. You can also use text formatting here, so feel free to add bold titles and big headers in your message.
    When typing a name into thetoline, the name will be auto-completed, just like when you @mention someone in a post or comment. Click the name of the person you want to contact, add a subject in the subject line, type your message and off you go! It is that simple. You can also use text formatting here, so feel free to add bold titles and big headers in your message.
    changed via the API .
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  4. 當你在「收訊人」欄位打名字時,自動完成功能會開始作用,就像是在貼文或留言時對人@指指點點一樣。先點你要加入對話的聯絡人、填一下主旨、再寫一下訊息、再傳送就好了!就是這麼容易。這裡的訊息也可以對文字做排版,所以想要加粗粗的抬頭或是大大的標題的話請自便。


    changed by Yongjhen, Hong .
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