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i18n news and Product Updates about WebTranslateIt · Page 23

Translate your Ruby on Rails strings in context with i18n_viz and WebTranslateIt

By Edouard on May 1, 2013

Are you translating a Ruby on Rails application? Would you like to give your translations more context to the translations to your translators?

i18n_viz is a great rubygem for Ruby on Rails projects developed by Jakob Hilden from Railslove.

What does it do?

When translating a list of strings in a YAML files it can be rather difficult for translators to understand the meaning of a sentence, because of the lack of context.

i18n_viz is a rubygem that lets your browse your own Rails application and visualize and edit your strings in a ruby on rails project. Think of it as a reversed lookup for translations.

i18n_viz highlights your app’s translatable text and adds a tooltip containing the translation key which links to the translation key in your favourite online translation tool.

View this video in HD at Vimeo.

If you configure an online translation software like WebTranslateIt the tooltip becomes clickable and links directly to the segment on, where you can edit it.


The gem is well documented, so installing it is just a matter of following the instructions.

web_translate_it rubygem v2.1.3 released

By Edouard on April 25, 2013

I released a new version of the web_translate_it gem, the open-source synchronization tool for Web Translate It.

wti synchronization tool


This new version fixes an issue installing the gem with JRuby and rubygems 2.0.3.


This new version improves the error message displayed when a file is not available for push. A file isn’t available for push (the API returns the HTTP status code 503 when an import is already in progress for that file.

This locking mechanism prevents a file from being imported twice at the same time, which would cause synchronization problems on a project.

wti error message

This new version also adds the ability to initialize a project with this command in one line: wti init <api_token>, and improves error handling when running a wti command outside of a directory containing a WebTranslateIt configuration file.

Install or Upgrade

To install web_translate_it, please refer to the gem documentation.

As usual, upgrade web_translate_it to its latest version by typing in a terminal: gem install web_translate_it.

10 new features and improvements released on WebTranslateIt last month

By Edouard on April 22, 2013

In case you missed it, we released 10 new features in the last month.

By order of importance, we released:

  1. a new visual identity for WebTranslateIt
  2. an update to the Batch Operations system.
  3. new filters for the translation interface: “segment type” and “last updated by”
  4. the ability for managers to edit the source text on the go
  5. a bunch of performance improvements, including a faster translation interface, instant statistics, instant suggestions and support for SPDY.
  6. support for CSV files
  7. the ability to perform operations in multiple locales, as well as autocompletion for the TermBase and we improved the interface when adding or updating segments.
  8. an update to the languages page
  9. a bookmark app on the Google Chrome store
  10. two new versions of the web_translate_it rubygem.

Updates to the languages page

By Edouard on April 19, 2013

We recently refreshed the languages page on the projects hosted on WebTranslateIt.

It now displays larger progress bars, indicating more clearly the progress of translation and proofreading in a language.

New languages page

The graphs on the detailed stats page have been updated as well, with nicer graphs.

New languages page