The WebTranslateIt Blog · Page 43

i18n news and Product Updates about WebTranslateIt · Page 43

web_translate_it gem v1.8.0.0 released

By Edouard on May 31, 2011

I just released a new version of the web_translate_it gem, which includes important performance improvements and a few minor bugs fixes.

Downloading and uploading your language files is noticeably faster with this version (especially if you have a lot of files to sync).

Here’s the changelog:

  • New: Faster file transfers using KeepAlive’d connection.

  • New: Verify SSL certificate on connection.

  • Fix: More detailed error messages on unconfigured projects. Ticket #56

  • Fix: wti init now checks if the configuration file is writable. Ticket #35

  • Remove rake tasks. Rake tasks were removed as it is preferred and more performant to sync your project using the wti executable. Should you want the rake tasks back on your project, see how to add them in your project on the wiki.

Install or Upgrade

To install web_translate_it, please refer to the gem documentation.

To upgrade web_translate_it to its latest version, type in a terminal: gem install web_translate_it.

System update

By Edouard on May 30, 2011

Here’s a quick update regarding Web Translate It’s system.

Last week we successfully upgraded the service to ruby 1.9.2, a newer version of the programming language we use. We were previously using a tuned REE 1.8.7.

This new version greatly improves the service performance and pages load significantly faster.

We’re working on this upgrade since about four months now, and we’re stocked to finally release it.

Tip: Counting words

By Edouard on May 20, 2011

When you get your project translated you’ll need to count words. Web Translate It has nice statistics for your project over time. You can get them on the “Locale and Statistics” page.

Click here to view more

But what if you need to get a word count for a subset of strings? For instance, the word count for a specific file in your project, or for the strings added last week? No problem.

On the translation interface, filter strings by chosen parameters: file, label, category, date added. Then mouse over the string reporting: a tooltip will display the word count for the strings you selected.

Tip: Quickly lookup word definitions

By Edouard on May 19, 2011

Here’s a quick tip: on Web Translate It’s translation interface, you can get a definition very quickly: select any word with the mouse, and hit the D key (a keyboard shortcut for Define).

It will open the dictionary and lookup a definition and translation for you.

Remember, you can view all of Web Translate It’s keyboard shortcuts by clicking on the “keyboard shortcuts available” link on the translation interface.

New in Web Translate It: Dictionary

By Edouard on May 11, 2011

Web Translate It now integrates a dictionary.

It is very easy to use: in the toolbar at the bottom of your browser window, click on “dictionary lookup”.

Type a term to lookup and you will see translations into the language you are translating to, without leaving the current page.

I added dictionaries for Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, English, Finish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian and Spanish.

You can also view definitions for a term by clicking on “definitions”.

I hope you will find this new feature useful. I am looking forward to hear your questions or feedback on the support site.