React app internationalization and localization

React (also known as React.js or ReactJS) is a JavaScript library that makes developing interactive user interfaces simple.

Created by
Jordan Walke
March 2013

React applications are usually translated these file formats

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Best way to localize React apps

The first step is to extract the text to translate into language files. This process is called internationalization. The library react-i18next can be used to extract the text to translate into i18next files.

Once you have internationalized your React app, use a translation software localization tool such as WebTranslateIt to manage your localization workflow.

It is easy to translate a React app with WebTranslateIt. Create a project, upload your source language file in the File Manager and translate it on the Translation Interface.

The tools included in WebTranslateIt, such as Batch Operations, the Translation Memory or Machine Translation can help you translate that file automatically, faster and cost effectively.

Links of interest

  • WebTranslateIt’s CLI to help sync language files.
  • ibitcy/eo-locale Elegant lightweight library based on Internationalization API
  • Facebook/fbt FBT is an internationalization framework for JavaScript designed to be not just powerful and flexible, but also simple and intuitive.
  • Format.JSInternationalize your web apps on the client & server
  • Format.JS (CLI) Extract messages from project with FormatJS library
  • React plugin for Format.JS
  • Lingui/LinguiJS A readable, automated, and optimized (5 kb) internationalization for JavaScript
  • next-translate Next.js plugin + i18n API for Next.js 🌍 - Load page translations and use them in an easy way
  • react-translate react utilities for simple i18n
  • react-native-localize A toolbox for your React Native app localization
  • react-localization Simple module to localize the React interface using the same syntax used in the ReactNativeLocalization module
  • react-intl-hooks React hooks for internationalization without the hassle
  • react-i18nify Simple i18n translation and localization components and helpers for React
  • react-i18next Internationalization framework for React and React Native based on i18next
  • react-i18n-mini A tiny (~2.39 kB) internationalisation library for React
  • react-translated A dead simple way to add complex translations (i18n) in a React (DOM/Native) project
  • react-localize-redux Dead simple localization for your React components
  • react-translate-component A component for React that uses the Counterpart module to provide multi-lingual/localized text content.
  • react-littera - Modern react library for managing translations
  • talkr Talkr is the lightest i18n provider for React applications. It supports Typescript, provides autocompletion, has 0 dependencies, and is very easy to use
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