JavaScript XMPP Client/JSXC
Invite user
Invite user
Invitar usuario -
Enter username or Jabber ID of the contact you like to invite.
Enter username or Jabber ID of the contact you like to invite.
Ingrese nombre de usuario o Jabber ID del contacto que quiere invitar. -
With OMEMO you can send an encrypted message to all OMEMO capable devices of you and your contact. To ensure that those devices really belong to you or your contact, you should compare their key IDs over another communication channel. If you don't want to compare those IDs, just click "Recognize", but please be aware that in this case someone could read along.
With OMEMO you can send an encrypted message to all OMEMO capable devices of you and your contact. To ensure that those devices really belong to you or your contact, you should compare their key IDs over another communication channel. If you don't want to compare those IDs, just click "Recognize", but please be aware that in this case someone could read along.
Con OMEMO usted puede enviar mensajes encriptados para todos los dispositivos del contacto que soporten OMEMO. Para asegurar que esos dispositivos pertenezcan a usted o su contacto, debe comparar sus claves mediante otro canal de comunicación. Si no quiere comparar las claves, simplemente presione "Reconocer", pero por favor tenga en cuenta que alguien podría leer sus mensajes. -
No devices available
No devices available
No hay dispositivos disponibles -
Ignorar -
Reconocer -
Verificar -
nunca -
You received an OMEMO encrypted message
You received an OMEMO encrypted message
Has recibido un mensaje encriptado con OMEMO -
Message was not sent
Message was not sent
El mensaje no fue enviado -
Your contact does not support OMEMO
Your contact does not support OMEMO
Su contacto no soporta OMEMO -
There are new devices for your contact
There are new devices for your contact
Hay nuevos dispositivos para su contacto -
You ignore all devices of your contact
You ignore all devices of your contact
Usted ignora todos los dispositivos de su contacto -
I found new devices from you
I found new devices from you
Encontré nuevos dispositivos de usted -
Message received from unknown OMEMO device
Message received from unknown OMEMO device
Mensaje recibido de un dispositivo OMEMO desconocido -
There are new OMEMO devices
There are new OMEMO devices
Hay nuevos dispositivos OMEMO -
Vd. -
Clean up own devices
Clean up own devices
Limpiar lista de dispositivos propios -
If you clean up your own devices, all devices will be removed from your device list. Next time you use your other devices they will added to the list again. Therefore only your active devices will be on the list and used by your contacts to encrypt messages.
If you clean up your own devices, all devices will be removed from your device list. Next time you use your other devices they will added to the list again. Therefore only your active devices will be on the list and used by your contacts to encrypt messages.
Si limpia la lista de sus propios dispositivos, todos los dispositovos serán eliminados de su lista de dispositivos. La próxima vez que utilice sus otros dispositivos se volverán a añadir a la lista.Sin embargo sus dispositivos activos serán sólo los listados, y serán los que usen sus contactos para encriptarle los mensajes. -
Blindly trusted peer on first use
Blindly trusted peer on first use
Confiar en el contacto ciegamente en el primer uso.