JavaScript XMPP Client/JSXC
Logging in…
Logging in…
正在登入中… -
Your connection is not encrypted
Your connection is not encrypted
連線沒加密。 -
Your connection is encrypted.
Your connection is encrypted.
連線有加密。 -
Your contact closed the private connection.
Your contact closed the private connection.
聯絡人關閉了加密連線。 -
Start private
Start private
開始加密 -
Close private
Close private
結束加密 -
Your contact is verified.
Your contact is verified.
聯絡人已校驗。 -
You only have a one-way subscription.
You only have a one-way subscription.
只有單向訂閱。 -
Authentication query sent.
Authentication query sent.
驗證要求送出了。 -
Your message was not sent. Please end your private conversation.
Your message was not sent. Please end your private conversation.
訊息沒送出去。請結束加密的對話。 -
Unencrypted message received
Unencrypted message received
收到沒加密的訊息 -
Not available
Not available
不存在 -
No connection!
No connection!
沒有連線! -
重新登入 -
Trying to start private conversation!
Trying to start private conversation!
正在試著開始加密的對話! -
已校驗 -
未校驗 -
Private conversation aborted!
Private conversation aborted!
加密的對話中斷了! -
Your contact closed the private conversation! You should do the same.
Your contact closed the private conversation! You should do the same.
Il n’a plus de segments à afficher.
Chargement d’autres segments en cours…
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