JavaScript XMPP Client/JSXC
You have been banned from the room
You have been banned from the room
你被禁止進入聊天室了 -
__nickname__ has been banned from the room
__nickname__ has been banned from the room
__nickname__被禁止進入聊天室了 -
You have been removed from the room, because of an affiliation change
You have been removed from the room, because of an affiliation change
你因為身份改變而離開聊天室了 -
__nickname__ has been removed from the room, because of an affiliation change
__nickname__ has been removed from the room, because of an affiliation change
__nickname__因為身份改變而離開聊天室了 -
You have been removed from the room, because the room has been changed to members-only and you are no member
You have been removed from the room, because the room has been changed to members-only and you are no member
你離開聊天室了,因為聊天室改為只限會員,但你不是會員 -
__nickname__ has been removed from the room, because the room has been changed to members-only and you are no member
__nickname__ has been removed from the room, because the room has been changed to members-only and you are no member
__nickname__離開聊天室了,因為聊天室改為只限會員,但她/他不是會員 -
You have been removed from the room, because the MUC service is being shut down
You have been removed from the room, because the MUC service is being shut down
你離開聊天室了,因為多人聊天服務正在關閉中。 -
原因 -
Your message was not sent because of an unspecified error
Your message was not sent because of an unspecified error
訊息因為發生錯誤沒送出去 -
Your message was not sent because this room does not exist
Your message was not sent because this room does not exist
訊息沒送出去,因為聊天室不存在了 -
Your message was not sent because you have no voice in this room
Your message was not sent because you have no voice in this room
訊息沒送出去,因為你被消音了 -
Your message was not sent because you are no occupant of this room
Your message was not sent because you are no occupant of this room
訊息沒送出去,因為你不是聊天室的參與人了 -
This room has been closed
This room has been closed
聊天室已經關閉了 -
Room logging has been enabled
Room logging has been enabled
聊天室紀錄已經啟用了 -
A password is required
A password is required
需要密碼 -
You are not on the member list
You are not on the member list
你不是會員 -
You have been banned from this room
You have been banned from this room
你被禁止進入聊天室了 -
Your desired nickname is already in use. Please choose another one
Your desired nickname is already in use. Please choose another one
這個綽號被用掉了,請換一個 -
The maximum number of users in this room has been reached
The maximum number of users in this room has been reached
這間聊天室已經到達使用者數目的上限 -
This room is locked
This room is locked