Show contacts from this account in phone`s contact list
Show contacts from this account in phone`s contact list
在电话的联系人列表中显示此账户的联系人 -
Enable TLS
Enable TLS
启用TLS -
Use TLS encryption when possible to connect to server
Use TLS encryption when possible to connect to server
在连接服务器时尽可能使用TLS加密 -
Legacy SSL
Legacy SSL
传统SSL -
Use legacy SSL encryption when connect to server
Use legacy SSL encryption when connect to server
在连接服务器时使用传统SSL -
TLS/SSL usage
TLS/SSL usage
Require TLS
Require TLS
要求TLS -
Require TLS encryption when connect to server
Require TLS encryption when connect to server
在连接服务器时要求TLS加密 -
Chat through TOR anonymity network and force TLS cryptographic protocol Not recommended for Google Talk
Chat through TOR anonymity network and force TLS cryptographic protocol
Not recommended for Google Talk通过TOR匿名网络聊天并要求TLS加密
不推荐应用于Google Talk -
Are you sure you want to discard all the changes?
Are you sure you want to discard all the changes?
你确实要放弃所有修改吗? -
Incorrect user name. Check help text below for details.
Incorrect user name. Check help text below for details.
错误的用户名,请参考下方的帮助文本。 -
In order to process using TOR you must have Orbot installed and activated to proxy traffic through it. Would you like to install it from Google Play?
In order to process using TOR you must have Orbot installed and activated to proxy traffic through it. Would you like to install it from Google Play?
要使用TOR,您必须安装并激活Orbot。想要从Google Play安装吗? -
Install Orbot?
Install Orbot?
安装Orbot? -
Failed to register account on the server.
Failed to register account on the server.
Account color
Account color
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