redsolution/xabber classic
Připojuji... -
Připojeno. -
You have no contacts
You have no contacts
Add contact
Add contact
Přidat kontakt -
Nobody online
Nobody online
Nikdo není online -
Show offline contacts
Show offline contacts
Zobrazit offline kontakty -
Rename group
Rename group
Přemenovat skupinu -
Delete group
Delete group
Odstranit skupinu -
Do you really want to delete group %s? Users from this group will stay in contact list.
Do you really want to delete group %s? Users from this group will stay in contact list.
Launching application...
Launching application...
Please click to select contact
Please click to select contact
Show offline contacts
Show offline contacts
Always show
Always show
Use general settings
Use general settings
Never show
Never show
Do you want to run Xabber at startup? This can be changed in "Settings" → "Connection settings" → "Run at boot"
Do you want to run Xabber at startup?
This can be changed in "Settings" → "Connection settings" → "Run at boot" -
Close all chats
Close all chats
Do you want Xabber to be integrated into system contacts? This can be changed in "Settings" → "XMPP accounts" → Your account → "Contact integration". NB: System contact list can go slower for a few minutes.
Do you want Xabber to be integrated into system contacts?
This can be changed in "Settings" → "XMPP accounts" → Your account → "Contact integration".
NB: System contact list can go slower for a few minutes.
Il n’a plus de segments à afficher.
Chargement d’autres segments en cours…
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