redsolution/xabber classic
You have joined chat %1$s
You have joined chat %1$s
Te has unido al chat %1$s -
Invitation was sent to %s
Invitation was sent to %s
La invitación se envió a %s -
Invitation was not received by %s
Invitation was not received by %s
Invitación no recibida por %s -
Invite to chat
Invite to chat
Invitar a chatear… -
Your messages can not be delivered. Please join chat
Your messages can not be delivered. Please join chat
Debes unirte al chat para que tus mensajes sean entregados -
%1$s is now online
%1$s is now online
%1$s se ha puesto en linea -
%1$s is now away
%1$s is now away
%1$s se ha puesto ausente -
%1$s asks do not disturb
%1$s asks do not disturb
%1$s pide no molestar -
%1$s free for chat
%1$s free for chat
%1$s está libre para chatear -
%1$s is now unavailable
%1$s is now unavailable
%1$s se ha puesto no disponible -
%1$s away for a long time
%1$s away for a long time
%1$s ausente hace mucho tiempo -
Export chat
Export chat
Exportar conversación -
Enter file name
Enter file name
Nombre de archivo: -
Send after export
Send after export
Enviar después de exportar -
%2$s for %1$s.html
%2$s for %1$s.html
%2$s en %1$s.html -
History has been exported to SD Card
History has been exported to SD Card
El historial ha sido exportado a la memoria SD -
Chat settings
Chat settings
Ajustes de conversación -
Typing ...
Typing ...
Escribiendo ... -
Entered text ...
Entered text ...
Escribió algo ... -
OTR error: %1$s
OTR error: %1$s
Error OTR: %1$s
Il n’a plus de segments à afficher.
Chargement d’autres segments en cours…
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