redsolution/xabber classic
Your opponent can provide his fingerprint you can compare with specified here to be sure he is who you think he is. You should not use XMPP chat for this purpose.
Your opponent can provide his fingerprint you can compare with specified here to be sure he is who you think he is. You should not use XMPP chat for this purpose.
A partnere megadhatja az ujjlenyomatát, amit összehasonlíthat az itt megadottal, hogy biztos legyen benne, hogy ő az, akinek mondja magát. Erre nem ajánlatos az XMPP csevegést használni. -
This contact is trusted
This contact is trusted
Ez a kapcsolat megbízható -
Your fingerprint:
Your fingerprint:
Ujjlenyomata: -
Your opponent's fingerprint:
Your opponent's fingerprint:
Partnere ujjlenyomata: -
Scan QR code with opponent's fingerprint
Scan QR code with opponent's fingerprint
Partner ujjlenyomata QR kód beolvasásával -
Show QR code with your fingerprint
Show QR code with your fingerprint
Az ujjlenyomatát tartalmazó QR kód megjelenítése -
There is no Google Play installed. Please install Barcode Scanner manually.
There is no Google Play installed. Please install Barcode Scanner manually.
A Goggle Play nincs telepítve. Kérem telepítse a vonalkód olvasót kézileg. -
This application requires Barcode Scanner. Would you like to install it?
This application requires Barcode Scanner. Would you like to install it?
Az alkalmazásnak szüksége van vonalkód olvasóra. Kívánja telepíteni? -
Copy your fingerprint to clipboard
Copy your fingerprint to clipboard
Ujjlenyomat másolása vágólapra -
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In a minute
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In 2 minutes
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